Part Eleven: 551 - 600

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Pirate Voice: Here lies the final chapter; but so ya know - i will be addin to this. Yess'm they'll be random, but be a true addict and you might like them. Enjoyyy


551:- calling that drug something else changes nothing.

552:-nor does saying they are high on some OTHER drug.

553. I will not tell Dumbledore that there are people outside the books who despise him

554. - nor will I say the same thing to Harry

555. I will not tell Voldemort that he's too freaken lazy to do stuff himself.

556. Cho is not on anti- depresants, nor should i imply that she needs them.

557. Cho's curly haired friend Marietta with her SNEAK pimples is not "before" for a mag.

558. -Rita Skeeter is not "after"

559. Dobby is not Harry's secret lover, no matter how much he wants to be.

560. Saying he's "obviously not good enough..." is just cruel.

561. calling the ASPCA about the way Ron treated Scabbers (wormtail) is pointless,

as he is already dead, on the run, or a accomplise depending on where in the books you are.

562: I will not send Fainting Fancies to the Slythrin common room without a antidote, and only

a card saying "to the pretty-est girl in the house". Again.

563: I will not blame the Ravenclaw quiditch team for the entire female population of

slytherin being unconcience for no apparent reason.

564: i will not let my owl claw out the eyes of the slytherins

565: i will not let my wand run amok and paint everyones faces purple

566:i am not to call people with freckles "spotted owls"

567: i will not eat liver then throw it up on proffessor snape

568: i will not punch the wandboards until they expload

569. I will stop insisting that Snape and Hermione are secret admirors.

570. - Same goes for McGonagall and Dumbledore

571. Nearly headless nick does not approve of being called Casper the Friendly Ghost.

572 .The fact that dudley didnt like his pig tail does not mean i should keep switching

to differnt tails to find one he likes better.

573. If muggle children near the school WANTED their baseballs replaced with

bludgers they would have said.

574. i will not convince everyone that girlnextdoor101 is a horcrux, and that for the

sake of the world she MUST die.

575. i will not convince everyone that thegirlnextdoor101 is lord voldemort after

drinking polyjuice

576. No matter how much i want to, i will not go into slytherin house,where i will without a doubt

find thegirlnextdoor101 and murder her, then say "sorry harry, she was a death eater-in-training.

She and Malfoy were in this together, but i figured id leave him to you.

577. i will not ask real-moody if the real him would turn Malfoy into a feret just like the fake moody


578. - if he says yes, i will not ask him to turn thegirlnextdoor101 into a racoon, a naked mole rat,

a vole, or any other rodent.

579. i will not speak out about how in-humane it is to use vanishing charms on

living creatures, because im sure i will just be told to "get off my soap box"

580. - to actualy make a soap box to stand on, is inappropriet.

581. the sorcerers stone is destroyed and even though they are annoying,

first year slytherins should not be told its still down there, as they all want immortality,

and the devils snare gets them every time.

582. no one at hogwarts will buy Harry's gravy stained napkins and having

proved this i will not try selling at hogsmead either.

583. - even if interested buyers like colin creevy found me at diagon alley, i shouldnt

be selling harry's gravy stained napkin.

584. - it doesnt matter that he offered me 2 galleons, eleven sickles.

585. i will not use a time turner to hex Malfoy and thegirlnextdoor101 and then have

eye witness's chip in that they saw me in the place of my alliby

586. i will not bring up and say its an informational website about a

unique breed of diversifide creatures, or insist we use the website to learn to care

for them properly

587: I will NEVER mention to Harry that Ginny's face was actually saying "YOU WILL HAVE MY CHILDREN!" when the weasley boys first brought him home in the chamber of secrets

588: I will not tell pansy she looks like a pug and laugh about it ... no matter how funny it seems

589: i will not convince draco to join the twilight cast in a fashion that cedric diggory turned into edward cullen

590: When Harry and Hermione get married into the Weasley family, I will NOT sing "Welcome to the Family" by Little Big Town

591: i will not tell Dumbledore that his appearance is "feeding stereotypes"

592: i will not tell mr.weasly that muggles aren't worth his valuable time.

593: i will not enchant pink girly stuffed animals to go around hugging students i dont like in

front of large crowds of people.

594: i will not tell Luna Lovegood that they are Bang Ended Scoots, and that the ministry

has been breeding them to fight all who oppose them

595: i will not create a Trouble makers Hall Of Fame. As such it will not be next to the portable

swamp fred and george set up, and won't have pictures of harry's dad and sirius. i will also

not have people vote for best trouble maker of the year.

596: i will not sing songs that say draco is a dork

597: -same goes for the rest of the students at hogwarts

598: while at this school i will behave myself as if i were a muggle

599: i am not to go in muggle territory

600: i will not make anyone nose bleed with the charm "Nose Zap"

586+ Things I Am Not Allowed to do at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now