The Awkwardness That Comes Within. I Feel Like A Whore.

Start from the beginning

“But wait. Aren’t you and Andy a thing?” I began to laugh. Austin looked at me as if I were crazy. I quickly gather myself together than talk in my serious tone.

“No.’ I said in a deep vice pursing my lips and facing him.

“You are so funny.” He puts a hand on my cheek. “It’s even funnier when everything I say or do makes you blush.” I feel myself blush even deeper. “Like now.” I gawk at him and I could’ve sworn I saw my life flash before my eyes. The only thing I saw in that flash was Austin, Austin, and more Austin. I smile and my phone buzzes.

Andy: uh, Audry is crying. I’ve tried burping her. changing her. idk. All I know is If You Can’t Hang began playing and she started to cry.

She misses her father’s voice. I groaned.

“That’s my cue to go.” I tell Austin. He decides to walk me to the door. Before I open it, he takes my hand.

“Hey, what’s your number? Surely I don’t want to lose contact.” I smile at him and put my number in his phone as he does the same to me. He has a Galaxy so it took a while before I figured how it works. “Nice lock screen.” I look at it and blushed. My lock screen was usually bands and this week’s band is Of Mice & Men. I blush. I’m glad he didn’t mention my home screen which is a photo of Kellin holding Audry.we stand there awkwardly before he leans down and pecks me on the lips. He smiles and gets in his car and drives off. While I just stand here, shaking, holding it all in. finally, I exploded.

“AUSTIN CARLILE FROM OF MICE AND MEN JUST KISSED ME. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I scream. People nearby just look at me as if I lost my mind. And I think I have. I run in the house to celebrate, but I see a crying Audry. My heart sunk and I ran to her. Sleeping with Sirens was still blasting from the radio. I turned it off and she stopped crying. I sighed knowing what I needed to do. I put my phone to my ear.

“How did you do that?” Andy asked. I put a finger up to silence him.

“Megan?” Kellin’s voice asked. It was shaky and it was staring to make me tear.

“Kellin.” I snap. “Can you come and get Audry. She misses you.” I say.

“Yeah! Sure. When?” he asks.

“Now, if that’s good.”

“Ok. Did Austin talk to you, look Megan I’m-”

“I gotta go. Bye.” I hang up and regain myself.

His fault not yours. His fault not yours.

I thought to myself over and over. I sit next to Andy on the couch and we just stare at the blank TV. Without my antidepressants, it was hard to focus on anything. The only thing that keeps me in check is Audry. I get up and pack a bag for Audry to stay a couple days with Kellin. I set it by the door and pace through the living room. It hurts. It really does that this is how we would end. I though the only way we would end was if someone killed us first. But Austin.

He made my day. He was so nice and caring. And he’s so tall. I mean what is he? Six foot five? Six foot eight? And that nose ring. It looks so cute on him. Every time he smiled, I would die on the inside. I smile at this thought. I decided to take a short nap.

“Get up now you ugly slut!!!” my dad banged on the door. I slid a chair under it and climbed into my closet. There was small door I the closet that I usually hid in. I heard the door bust opened and I gasped. I texted Vic that it was happening again. The vibration scared me, but it said to stay quiet. My dad was walking around my room, breaking things and smashing. It was a good thing I put the important stuff in a bag which was luckily over Vic’s. “WHERE ARE YOU WHORE?!?!?!” he flipped over my bed and I heard the closet door opened. I stayed quiet as he pushed back clothes in search of me. my phone began vibrating. It was so loud that I knew my dad heard it. He opened the door I was hiding I and smiled. “There you are.” He dragged me out by my hair and threw me on the bed that was on the floor. Then he raped me.

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