Chapter 6: The Mall

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Hannah's POV
The next day, Emilee and I wake up and we go downstairs to eat breakfast. As we are making our breakfast, Emilee gets a text from Jovani.
Emilee's POV
As Hannah and I are making breakfast, I get a text from Jovani. That says..

Jovani: Hey cutie!
Emilee: Heey
Jovani: sorry about last night I just thought Hannah and Mario would work out!
Emilee: it's okay and yeah I thought they would too!
Jovani: Anyways, Mario and I are going to the mall later do you guys wanna come?
Emilee: Yeah! What time?
Jovani: How about 2:30?
Emilee: okay sounds great bye!
Jovani: later cutie!

So, as soon as I'm done texting Jovani I look at Hannah. "We are going to the mall at 2:30!" I say to her. "Why?" She says. "Because Jovani invited us!" I say. "Let me guess, Mario's gonna be there?" She says. "Yeah" I say. "Okay we can go" she says.  As soon as we are done talking we look at the time and it's 1:00 which means we have an hour and 30 minutes to get ready. 

Hannah's POV
Emilee and I are getting ready! I put on a maroon colored shirt with gray sleeves and a pair of jeans, with white converse. Emilee is wearing a pink hoodie from PINK and light jeans with black converse. I think that all we need to get ready plus hair and makeup. So as soon as we are ready we get in the car and drive to the mall. When we got there, we seen Jovani and Mario waiting at the entrance for us.
Emilee's POV
We get there and we see Jovani and Mario waiting for us at the entrance and then when I see Jovani, I give him a hug and then he grabs my hand and we walk in.
Hannah's POV
Mario and I just stand there awkwardly while Emilee and Jovani walk into the mall holding hands. I start the conversation "So, how are you?" I say. "I'm fine how about you?" He says. "Should I just ask him if he likes me?" I think to myself. "No it's so soon" I think to myself again. "Do you wanna go inside" Mario says, "Yes! I mean sure" I say snapping out of thought. "Alright let's go then" Mario says.
Mario's POV
Why can't I just tell Hannah that I like her? It's so hard! "God Mario just say it!" I think to myself. "So do you wanna go to Rue 21?" Hannah asks. "Sure" I say. "Maybe I will tell her today" I think to myself. "I think I should tell her right now" I think to myself again. "Maybe we should go to the cinema with Jovani and Emilee instead?" I say. "Sure! That sounds fun!" Hannah says. "We have to find them though" she speaks again. As soon as we find them, they are at Taco Bell getting food. "Hey guys" we both say to them. "Hey" they say back. "You guys wanna go to the cinema?" I ask . Jovani and Emilee agree to go. We are going to see the visit. It's a scary movie so maybe if Hannah gets scared she will want me to hold her in my arms.
Mario's POV *again*
As soon as we walk in the movie theatre we see the movie playing but just the previews after the previews the movie starts. I see Hannah just sitting there, like she's not even scared. But this one thing kept happening my hand kept touching hers. In the middle of the movie, I look over and see Jovani and Emilee holding hands. I decide to grab Hannah's hand. Well try to anyways. Her small hand is just sitting there waiting to be held. I went for it, she agrees and grabs my hand as well. "Thank god it worked" I think to myself.
Emilee's POV
After the movie Jovani takes me to the front of the movie theatre and.. " I had a lot of fun tonight" He says. "Me too" I say. "You guys wanna go shopping still" I say. " Yeah but first." He says. As he says that he crashed his lips into mine and our lips were in perfect sync. After we pulled away.. "Emilee, will you be my girlfriend?" Jovani asks. "Yes!" I say to him. We walk around the mall with our hands intertwined. "Where's Hannah and Mario?" I think to myself.

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