Chapter 1- Mates

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I've always thought that by being a good student, a good daughter, a good friend and a good enough person will make the heavens look down on me and say "Wait a minute you deserve a good mate" boy was i wrong...

i woke up with my heart beating across my rib cage and with sweat matting my forehead

"Ash...honey wake up" my mom hollered from downstairs
" I'm up mom" I hollered back feeling a little daze from the nightmare I woke up from

I slipped downstairs newly showered and went into the kitchen where my mom is cooking pancakes while humming her favorite song...

My mom is beautiful with her straight brown hair bright green eyes and angular face and slender tall frame

I wish i could say that I look like her but I can't cause I don't I have a mess of curly dirty blonde hair which is usually tied into a bun and grey dull eyes masked by black circular glasses

my mom looked at me from the pan and smiled "Eat up honey Alice would be here any minute now" she says

I complied and sure enough five minutes later Alice's white car halted into a stop in front of our house her horn blaring loudly

"Alright...alright" I say kissing my mom on the cheek before skipping out of our house and into Alice's car

"Good mornin' " I greeted Alice she looked at me side ways her raven black hair following her movement like silk and winked her chinky golden eye

"Good morning to you" she says with a suggestive tone

I tilted my head and looked at her "Why?" I asked

She laughed " know it's just Alpha Xavier's 18th birthday" she says playfully

i bit my lip and clenched my fists oh..that you see when wolves turn 18 we start to feel the pull of the mate bond it helps us figure out who our mates are and well... today Alpha Xavier Black the alpha of our pack Dark moon, will know who his mate is

I felt a dull sting in my chest as i thought of who his mate is

To say Alpha Xavier is hot is an utter understatement he is almost...angelic well at least his facial features are anyways I mean he isn't rude or anything just merely...cold

He is extremely smart and get high grades but never shows much effort in studying and is very collected I almost never hear him talk unless in pack meetings and is clustered with friends who have high ranking parents or are high ranked themselves

He isn't one to date those easy mean girls either he only dates classy girls who are undeniably stunning he had his fair share of broken hearts as well

i know how stupid it is but i kind of...well alright really really like him since we were 9 and I'm 17 now so i guess it's safe to say that my feeling for him isn't really just "like" anymore

I snapped out of my own thoughts when i realized that Alice has just finished parking the car

Inside the school it was full of whispers of who his mate is since Moon falls High is a school for werewolves the whispers aren't that hushed i gulped and bid Alice my good byes as I snuck into English my first class that I share with Alpha Xavier

i heard sabrina the girl with pink hair on my right say " I think its Jenna they are just made for each other s-"

silence dropped into our room as he entered the class with beta jordan my eyes like everyone else's followed him as he made his way to the chair in the back, in his dark washed jeans white v neck shirt that clung to his torso and defines his biceps with his jet black hair messily tousled in the sexiest way his dark blue eyes glinting with mischief seriousness and power

i forgot to breathe and had to close my eyes to collect myself again when i opened them though Mrs. Kings was already there and i didn't get another chance to look at him

I was late for math...well technically i was early but then i realized as i sat in my chair that i forgot my math book and have to get it again in my locker that seems to be miles away

the hall was deserted and I hurriedly grabbed my book but when i took a turn into the hallway my body seemed to freeze

there he was the love of my life making out with Jenna who i don't feel like loving as of the moment i dropped my book in surprise and it met the floor with a thud

making them jump apart that's when I met his eyes and i suddenly felt like I'm floating and falling at the same time he's my mate i realized,

every molecule in my body told me to fling myself to him his yet...there's a certain coldness in his eyes that stopped me he doesn't want me

he tilted his head and smirked at me before turning back to Jenna kissing her fiercer this time

pain wove itself to every strand of my being and i took off running heading towards...where else the janitors' closet.

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