Jackie was overwhelmed by the numerous plumes of fresh flowers and the immense amount of priceless artwork that filled the Queen's residence. She was also touched at the sight of numerous picture frames on every surface, holding personal photos of the royal family throughout the years. Jackie was admiring a photo of William and Harry as young boys, about 12 and 10, at Balmoral when she heard footsteps approaching.

The Queen had appeared, looking lovely in a salmon suit and matching heels. Jackie dropped into a perfected curtsy. "Your Majesty."

Jackie stood and smiled, the Queen taking her hand and giving it a warm squeeze. "How are you, darling?"

"I'm well, how are you?"

"Quite well, I've just watched the interview, you did wonderfully." The Queen brought Jackie's left hand to her eye level, admiring her ring with a twinkle in her eyes. "It's beautiful, dear."

Jackie smiled. "Thank you. Harry has such wonderful taste."

"From his mother, I'm sure. Always in the papers for her fashion."

Jackie nodded, not sure what to say. Luckily, the Queen motioned for Jackie to follow her into the dining room, where the table was set with beautiful china and centerpiece of white flowers.

Brunch was served, some of the best food Jackie had ever eaten. They chatted a bit about the wedding, such as where- Westminster Abbey, and when- June 1st. Jackie told the Queen she and Kate were going to meet with the dress designer in 3 days, and the Queen requested to have a few Polaroids of the designs sent over so she could see what they had come up with.

Once they had both finished eating, the Queen stood. "Why don't you come with me to my office, I have a few things for you."

Jackie's mind was full of thoughts as she followed Harry's grandmother to her office. She had no idea what the Queen could possibly have for her.

The Queen sat behind her desk, Jackie taking a seat in one of the cream velvet armchairs. There were two boxes on the desk, one rather large and one fairly small, both tied with white ribbon.

The Queen pushed the smaller box towards Jackie, who took it gently. "This is just a small engagement gift from me to you."

Jackie grinned, her checks feeling warm. "Thank you." She was careful as she untied the ribbon and flipped open the box. On a black bed of velvet sat the most perfect strand of pearls Jackie had ever seen. They were luminescently white, looking as though they emitted their own light. The necklace ended in an intricate diamond clasp. Matching earrings accompanied the necklace, the same glowing pearls delicately hung from diamond studs.

"Wow," Jackie breathed, earning a laugh from the Queen. "These are absolutely perfect. I can never thank you enough."

"They were my mother's," the Queen said with a twinkle in her eyes. "I know you will be wearing your mother's necklace to the wedding, but I thought you could wear the earrings. They'll match-" the Queen stopped. She pushed the larger box across the desk to Jackie.

Jackie was struck by the weight of the box. She assumed it was jewelry, but didn't know what could be so heavy. She undid the ribbon and gently lifted the top off of the box.

Jackie felt like her heat jumped into her throat. Atop a mound of velvet sat the most magnificent sight Jackie had ever seen. The tiara was encrusted with diamonds that formed numerous arches, from which hung massive tear-drop pearls. Jackie had seen the tiara before- it was the Lover's Knot tiara- Princess Diana's.

Jackie opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She had to will back tears of intense emotion- she couldn't tell if she was overwhelmed with joy or grief of gratitude.

"I'll speak first," the Queen said with a smile. "This is the Cambridge Lover's Knot tiara. It came into my possession in 1953, when its original owner, my grandmother, Queen Mary, passed away. I have worn it in my youth, and later on, I lent it to Diana as a wedding present. As you know, she made it famous."

"Yes, I can remember her wearing it," Jackie said, her voice nearly a whisper.

"No one has worn it since. It hasn't even left its vault." Queen Elizabeth's eyes glistened. "I want you to wear it on your wedding day."

Jackie wanted to ask why she deserved such a gift but the Queen answered before she had to. "I chose the Halo tiara for Catherine to wear on her wedding day because it was given to me on my 18th birthday. It represents a coming of age, if you will. Will and Catherine's marriage marked the start of a new generation of royals, which you will be very much a part of. I chose the Lover's Knot tiara for you because of what you said in your engagement interview. Something about not sitting around and admiring your tiaras?"

Jackie let out a laugh as the Queen continued. "That's exactly what Diana would want to hear. That you plan on doing something with your role. She would be immensely proud of you, and I think she would want you to wear it. She wrote in her will that her son's wives inherit all of her jewelry, so you'll be receiving your share in time."

Jackie wiped away a tear that slipped from the corner of her eye. "This means the world to me. It's so nice to hear that."

The Queen stood, gently plucking the tiara from the box, motioning for Jackie to stay seated. With years of skill evident, the Queen placed the tiara atop Jackie's head, perfectly positioned. It felt foreign and heavy, but somehow, it felt right.

In the reflection of the window behind the Queen's desk, Jackie could see herself. She looked absolutely regal with the symbolic tiara hovering above her face like a halo. She looked like a princess.


Hello all! Thank you again for reading! I just wanted to remind you that last chapter I added that I was going to start using Polyvore to create the outfit I picture Jackie in for the chapter. (In case you didn't see the note last time!)

Royals: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now