The Signs as Things That Hurt

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Aries: Never seen as responsible and entrusted with something important.

Taurus: Knowing that you love someone so much more than they will ever love you.

Gemini: Getting left out of conversations and being the last one to hear a secret because your friends seem to not trust you.

Cancer: Watching him/her fall in love with someone else.

Leo: Being insecure about yourself because everyone has what you don't.

Virgo: People pointing out your every flaw like you didn't know them already.

Libra: Getting blamed for something that you didn't even do.

Scorpio: Having nobody that understands you and gets why you do things a certain way.

Sagittarius: Saying something you feel confident about, yet having everyone laugh at you.

Capricorn: Never being good enough for everyone else.

Aquarius: Being the one person everyone thinks is weird and doesn't want to talk to.

Pisces: Always being the last one picked. It hurts.

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