Chapter 32: He Has Return

Start from the beginning

Sakura couldn't lie. Her brother can still sense magic even though he gave them up for Yukito. He was aware that she was a Card Captor and was currently battling against the twins.

'But how will he take it if he knew Mikan and Karin?'
Seeing as there is no other way, she replied, "I will have to ask them."


After breakfast, she went to school the usual way. Sometimes, she goes to school ahead of her brother to meet up with Syaoran since -even after almost three years- they still couldn't get along.

"Good morning, Sakura." Syaoran smiled as she neared the gates. Sakura smiled and returned the greeting. He peck her lips and smirked when her face turned red.

"S-S-SYAO!" She yelled in embarrassment.

He bursts out laughing as she pouted.

"My, my, so energetic in the morning." Tomoyo commented as she approached them. "Good morning." She bowed.

"Good morning." They greeted back, Sakura a little red.

They walked to their classroom, stopping by at the shoes locker for Sakura to store her skates.

"Good morning, everyone." A blank voice greeted as they entered the classroom.

Sakura looked up from her conversation with Tomoyo and smiled at her new friends. "Good morning, Mikan, Karin, Natsume, and Kazune!"

"Good morning."

"There is nothing good in mornings." Mikan's deadpanned face popped up in front of the other brunette.

Sakura sweat dropped. She didn't know what to say so she stayed silent. Karin nervously laughed.

"Hn." Natsume snaked an arm around Mikan's waist and guided her to her seat.

(A/N BTW, here are the seating arrangements: Sakura at the 2nd to the last seat in the last column, Syaoran beside her, Tomoyo behind Sakura, next to her is Mikan, Karin, Natsume, and Kazune. That's all.~)

Mikan immediately slumped in her seat and lied her cheek on the table while pursing her lips. 'I hate school. It's not like Natsume and Kazune needs it. They are geniuses.' A black cloud loomed over her head that the other students in class shivered at the unidentified cold feeling.

Karin shook her head and turned to Sakura. "Can we come over by your house after school? We want you to test your new power against Mikan." She whispered the second part. "If your family doesn't mind, that is."

Sakura's mouth slightly dropped at the sudden chance. "Y-Yeah, sure. About that, my brother wants to meet you." At the peach blond's raised eyebrow, she elaborated. "He can sense magic." Though is wasn't much, it explained everything.

Karin made an 'ah' look and nodded. "Sure, I've been looking forward to meet your Sun Guardian."

Suddenly, Sakura had a sudden flashback to the time when they went to ask Kero about the new presence of magical aura.

Gakuen Alice Crossover; Queens of the UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now