Chapter 4

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I woke up, and first thing I thought of was how Michael and Haile broke up because of me. Maybe Michael choose me cause he ACTUALLY might like me, or maybe I'm just reading into this and he actually picked me cause I'm his best friend and nothing more. This kinda sucks cause right now I don't know what to do or even think. Should I just drop Luke and take a chance and see if Michael and I could possibly become more than "just friends". Should I just stop overthinking and just give Luke a chance. I'm leaning more towards giving Luke a chance, cause what if Michael and I don't work out? That would mean our friendship would be awkward afterwards. Soon my thoughts are interrupted by a *bing* on my phone. I get to check who it was and It was Michael.

Michael 💕:
Hey mimi, so I was thinking next Saturday we should have a movie night?

To Michael 💕:
I would love too but i kinda have a date with Luke....

Michael 💕:
MMMMM, so I'm guessing you two really hit it off at the party..?


Mimi 💕:
Well, yea. I guess so too lol, maybe we could have a movie night Friday or something?

Wtf, Mimi and Luke ACTUALLY hit it off. Tbh I was kinda hoping it was just a t the party.. Wtf do I do now? I really like her. This just all pisses me off. How could she not fucking see i fucking like her is she that stupid? Is she that fucking blind?


Michael 💕 :
Uh, nah I have plans with Haile that day. We're gunna talk it out and see if we could fix our relationship.

Wow, so he actually doesn't like me. Im over here reading into, think there was a slight chance he was actually into me. I was about to just drop Luke and take a chance with Michael, how would have that played out. I drop Luke, go for Michael, Michael gets back with Haile and so then what? I go back to Luke just cause it didn't work out with Michael. Seems like a bitch move.

To Michael 💕 :
Oh.. I see, so does that mean you're basically going to tell her you choose her instead of me? Cause Haile isn't gunna take you back unless you say you choose her.

Michael 💕 :
Well, I guess I'm gunna have to choose her...

Once I read that text my heart broke into millions of pieces. My best friend basically told me right there and then.. We weren't best friends anymore.

•Michael's POV•

The text I just sent Mimi I knew would end our friendship but I just have to find away to get her out of my mind, get over her. I might regret it later on but at the moment it just seems like something I have to do even if it hurts me to do so. Maybe that way I could focus on getting Haile back, and also focus on my feelings for her too. It's just gunna suck that basically I'm going to have to see Mimi and Luke be together since Luke and I our really close friends.. I don't how this is all going to turn out..

A/N : I doubt anyone is even reading this.... Like this story probs sucks and is the worst ever lol. Who's reading this .. Anyone??? Okay 😞 SHARE please I wanna see if this could get 100 views. That would be awesome. Share/Comment/Vote.

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