Rejection has its limits

Start from the beginning

"Umm you better think really quick, because your mate just pulled into the parking deck." I looked through the passenger window and watched as my mate got of his car slamming his door glaring at me.

"Ok give us a minute then come outta of the car."

I climbed out of Kevin's truck shutting the door and faced my mate.

"Hello mate." His voice was low and deadly and his eyes were a stormy grey.


Camden could barely keep his wolf under wraps throughout that class. He had imagined different scenarios of marking his mate in front of everyone. His wolf was furious as he watched the male wolves touching his mate. The minutes droned on and he was only aware of every movement his mate made. He watched every time she would tilt her head to the side exposing the spot on her neck that would bare his mark. Her constant movement side to side put him in a hypnotic trance wondering how her luscious body would feel writhing on top of him. Her scent filled his nostrils and he closed his eyes inhaled enjoying her sweet essence.

"Cam? Man.. earth to Camden." Trey was snapping fingers in front of my face.

"I'm here."

"No you are not you are zoned out. Class is over are you going to sit there forever?"

Camden had peered around to see that most of the class had filed out of the room except his mate and her pack. He saw her stalling and waiting for him to leave first. With his pack impatient to leave he couldn't draw suspicion to his situation so he got up leading them out of the room. We had walked over to a set of outdoor patio tables at one of the school café next to parking lot. His eyes never leaving his mate as he watched her and her pack walk towards the cars. He watched as she scanned the area for him. Aww isn't that sweet my mate was looking for us.

"Hell yea, Camden she is hot! She your next prey?" Chris stood next to me joining in on my peep show.

"What are talking about?"

"The hottie from our science class, you know the one with green eyes and reddish hair. Shit she is fine as hell. She can wrap those long fine ass legs around me any time." Chris continued and two other males agreed with his assessment about our mate. I growled and didn't attempt to hide it alarming them.

"Damn, Camden no disrespect. You saw her first." Chris quickly retreated with the others. Camden turn to his pack he had to make sure he got his point across without revealing his truth.

"Yes, I saw her first and no one from this pack better touch her." He used the alpha tone and everyone got the message and was spreading it around fast.

"Well it looks like you have some competition for her." Trey pointed back to where his mate was getting into the car with the same male wolf that has been hanging all over her.

I shrugged, "I'm not worried about that. He doesn't stand a chance." Everyone laughed.

"I'm not so sure, don't you remember who that is?" Casey sat down next to me, he was an upper classmen, a senior I believe.

"Should I?"

"That my friend is Melissa Trovell, she is the sister of the alpha from the Cold Mountain Pack. And that guy is the future beta, Cliff Hovel, and they have been stuck to the hip every time I've seen them. I think they are mates?"

"No way man, that chick has no mate. She doesn't have a mark on her." Chris chided in.

"Well I visited their pack a few times with your dad, Camden, and her brother is very possessive about his sister. I'm just telling you what I saw and they were always together and he was very attentive to her every need." Casey finished.

"Where does the Cold Mountain Pack stay?" it was time to make a visit to his mate.

"They are at the Grand Suites Apartments."

After that bit of information, I decided to burn off some excess energy by working out in the gym. Trey came along but was extremely quiet even for him.

"She's your mate." Trey just dropped that simple statement as he spotted me on the bench while I was bench pressing my usual 300 pounds. I slammed the bar back on the hook and sat up wiping the sweat off with a towel.


"And you rejected her."

"Kinda of."

"What does kinda of mean?"

"It means that I rejected without formally rejecting her."

"So how's that working for you?"

"Don't be an ass, Trey."

"Look Cam I know you not ready for the mate thing but as you see it is greater than you."

"I've got it under control."

"Really, let's see you stalked the girl in class. Yes I noticed. You nearly ripped through Chris when he complimented her assets, sent out a command that everyone stay away from her, and now you know where she is staying I'm guessing you are going over there. Yea man you got it under control."

"Trey, it's not me it's my wolf. If I see her just once and talk with her so that we can come up with some ground rules. It will appease my wolf. Damn him, he has been a nag about marking his mate. But I have him in check."

"I'm telling you as your friend, the longer you stay away from her the worse it will get."

"Whatever Trey, I'm out."

A couple of hours later he had pulled into the car garage of his mate's apartment building debating with himself. Was Trey right? No I can control this. I will not bow down to my inner wolf. I wasn't ready to give up my freedom. Mate! Her scent filled him the moment she enter the garage. He jumped back into his SUV and followed her scent to the other side of the parking structure. She was sitting in a truck with another she wolf. He parked the car leaving an empty space between them. She was having an intense conversation and he knew it was about him. His mate climbed out of the truck her lovely legs exposed for the all the males to see. He didn't like this outfit.

"Hello Mate."

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