Episode 1

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Alvin: Hey guys! It's me, your absolute favorite chipmunk, Alvin Seville!

Simon: Alvin...

Alvin: Oh yeah, let's not forget, I'm here with my brothers and the Chipettes. Introduce yourselves guys!

Simon: Well, I'm Simon, and I'm more commonly known as the smart one.

Theodore: Hi, I'm Theodore!

Brittany: My name's Brittany, and I just want to say that this podcast is a perfect opportunity for you to ask me anything you want about my fabulous way of living.

Alvin: Thanks for that, Britt.

Brittany: (sarcastically) Anytime.

Jeanette: Hello, I'm Jeanette.

Eleanor: Hey! I'm Eleanor!

Alvin: And hopefully, you already know who we are, and know enough about us to be able to ask us questions!

Simon: Yes, Alvin did not specify that this podcast, which Jeanette will later be putting in word form on this profile, is strictly for asking us questions. You can ask us about our careers, family, interests, favorites-

Jeanette: Absolutely anything! But, please, be sure to keep the questions appropriate. We wouldn't want anyone feeling completely uncomfortable with answering an inappropriate question.

Brittany: Asking us a question is easy. All you have to do is type it up in the comments section of the most recent chapter of this book that Jeanette is writing.

Theodore: Guys, I hope that the fans think this is a good idea.

Eleanor: Of course they will!

Alvin: Well, they've loved everything we've done before, why would this be different?

Simon: Well, let's wait and see, maybe we'll get a few questions this week.

Alvin: Thanks for listening guys, be sure to add this book to your library so you can get updates whenever we answer a question. See you later!

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