Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

I woke up in a sort of bad mood. I don't know what made me suddenly unhappy. I think I was just worrying too much about that kiss yesterday. I told myself it didn't mean anything because it didn't. I had nothing to worry about. I took a breath and got washed and ready for school, even though I was in a bad mood, I wanted to look good to make me feel better. I wore a skirt and knee high socks and black dolly schools. My hair was naturally straight so I didn't need to go out of my way to straighten it. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and grabbed my tie and bag and went for breakfast. Eventually I got to school and we went to Registration Kodie nudged me.

"You were so happy yesterday what happened?" She pouted.

"Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess"

"Anything troubling you?" She asked.

It's not really troubling me...

I shook my head and smiled.

"No but thanks, it's probably something I've forgotten to do and I still can't remember" I rolled my eyes.

She nodded and we got talking about what wason TV last night. My Registration room was right across from the R.E classroom, so I dropped off my bag and went into the English base and filled up the kettle, we always had tea first thing on Friday mornings. Mickey came in when I started t second kettle, we had our own metal pot made for our class of thirteen, so it took two or three fills of the kettle. We greeted each other and I started to wash some of the mugs in the sink that belonged to our class, mickey came leaned over my shoulder and dropped a tea spoon into the sink.

"You'll need that for stirring" He said.

I nodded and he moved and poured the kettle into the pot for me. He carried it through and I brought through the mugs I washed, the milk, sugar and some spoons on a tray. Everyone was in the classroom and Mickey left to sit in the English base to do his Advanced work. I made my own tea and moved out of the way of the rest of the class swarming around the tea table. Jo sat next to me and we sipped our tea when Cassie came and sat next to us, half way through a convo she got up and walked away. We just ignored her, she was pain. I felt like telling Jo about Mr Jackmen but I didn't, it didn't feel right, it could probably start a lot of trouble and there was no point in doing that when it was nothing. So at break we met up with the others and talked, then the bell went and we went to sign in, we had free periods Friday's third and fourth. So we went to the sixth year common room and sat, catching up on Chemistry homework. Kodie had free period too so she came and sat with us but then had to go to the library to fix some stuff on her Art project. I offered to help her but she sai she didn't need any, so I shrugged it fof and re-read the same paragraphs for Chemistry over and over, hoping it would stick in my brain!

By the time it came to the end of school, I did perk up a little bit more even though I shouldn't have and I got a little excited. I really couldn't be bothered with Biology today if I was honest. Not just Biology but just school in general. I went right passed the door and went downstairs and sat at one of the tables. Everyone around me moving and talking so loud. I waited for a while then went up the stairs and lightly knocked on his door. No one answered and I thought I knocked to lightly, i went to knock again when someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped and nearly screamed, turning to see Mr Jackmen holding back a smile. I blushed a little.

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