January 9th, 2015

Start from the beginning

In the basement, Cece and Tasha are already there like I expected them to be and when I get down there, they look up at me and offer me welcoming smiles.

"We have the good stuff," Cece tells me with a grin as she pulls out a small rolled up bag. I can't tell what's inside but I can tell by the excited look on her face that it's LSD, and I couldn't be more excited about that.

"That's the best idea that I've ever heard," I sigh, sitting down on the dirty ground beside Tasha and Cece. "When will Jules and Faith get off?"

"Soon," She responds. "Jules will be here in half an hour, Faith in an hour. Grey at about ten probably, even though you didn't really ask about him."

"I just assumed that he wasn't coming," I explain with a roll of my eyes just thinking about how bratty he's been lately.

"Well, he is," Cece confirms with a nod.

"You two should probably get over whatever it is that's been going on," Tasha suggests. "Because I don't want things to get awkward between you two just because you broke up."

"I'm not upset with Grey, I don't have anything to get over. He's just been acting weird since we stopped fucking and I don't know why," I explain with a shrug. "So if anything is awkward, it's because of Grey acting like a bitch."

"I know why," Tasha pipes. "Let me get a piece of paper."

Cece tears a blank sheet of paper from her sketchbook and hands it to Tasha along with a pencil. Tasha then puts the paper on the cement ground and starts drawing. When she's done with her drawing, she holds it up to me and when Cece sees what the picture is, she starts giggling like an idiot.

On the paper, there's two stick figures, one with long hair and one that's bald, with an arrow pointing at each of the figures, one named Grey and one named Luna. The bald one named Grey has three hearts coming out of his head with an arrow pointed toward the one with hair named Luna, who looks to be smoking a cigarette and looking the other direction.

"He totally heart, heart, hearts you," Cece agrees with Tasha's drawing and I just roll my eyes at both of them. I guess that I can't blame them for thinking that because of how weird he's been acting lately but I don't think that Grey is capable of loving anybody like that, or even liking somebody like that. He's not very affectionate.

"I'm tired of the heart, heart, hearts in this friendship," I decide with a groan as I pull out my own stash of weed from my bag along with a lighter. "I think that we all need to get over our hormones and move on with our goddamn lives."

"Amen," Cece sighs. "But in reality, the world just wouldn't turn without love coming in and fucking everything up."

"Amen," I echo.

"Whoa, what's going on down here?" Jules' voice reverberates between the hard basement walls which kind of makes me jump because Cece said that he wasn't going to be here for another half an hour.

"Nothing," Cece says quickly, afraid to spoil her cover with Jules. "Just about how Grey and Luna aren't getting along right now."

"I'm not the problem here," I reiterate. "It's Grey that's being a jerk. Anyway, I'm going to text Faith and Grey to see when they're going to get here because I'm ready to forget about this planet for a good few hours."

"They're still working?" He wonders.

"Yeah, but they need to get here fast," I mumble irritably as I put my lit joint to my lips to at least get a little high while I wait for my other friends to get here. It's one of our unspoken rules that we don't really go crazy until everybody is present, or who plans on being present, which means that we can't use the LSD that Cece brought until both Faith and Grey arrive, and I'm getting restless already.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now