Jordan- The 12 Elementals

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Character; Jordan

Full Name; Jordan Michael Pickles

Reason for name; (book) Jordan is named after his mothers favorite soap opera actor, Jordan Clarke (me) It was the first thing that came to mind when I pictured his face.

Nickname; None

D. O. B; March 22

Age; 8

Eye color; Amber

Glasses/Contacts; Will wear glasses as a teenager

Hair; Oil black and cropped short

Weight; 87 pounds

Height; 4'5

Skin tone; Fair skinned

Shape of face; Diamond

Predominant features; His small lips which can make a heart

Looks like;David Cleveland

S/he healthy; You bet

Parents; Jupitar Bluebird (father) and Ruby Pickles (mother)

Siblings; Only child

Tattoos; Will get the Elemental Earth insignia on his chest

Piercings; None and won't get any

Scars; None

Appearance; Jordan is an adorable little boy. With black hair and big amber eyes, he is the most handsome child you will ever see. He will grow up to be a nerdy teenager with some serious intelligence and muscle. Both brains and brawn applies to Jordan when he reaches adulthood.

He is somewhat awkward and gangly, still not fully sure of himself.

Occupation; He wanted to be a big time scientist, already talking with colleges.

Favorite color; Green, like the forest

Least favorite color; Doesn't have one, he appreciates all colors of the rainbow.

Favorite food; Hamburgers

Daredevil or cautious; Cautious. Jordan can be bossy but he'd rather evaluate his plan and think of every angle before he acts.

Hobbies; Testing his theories, reading anything he can get his hands on, trying to expand his knowledge in whatever ways he can

Is s/he the same alone; Sort of. Except Jordan can drown in his own head, lost in his brilliancy ad forget the outside world. Alone, he's in his own head, but with other people he lets his genius shine.

Dislikes; Feeling stupid

Not knowing something obvious

Blunt disrespect

Good Habits; Wanting to know everything he can

Being a walking Google and providing information

His understanding when others don't

Bad Habits; Forgetting there's a world to be lived

Thinking his knowledge makes him entitled

Letting his brain think and process instead of feeling the actual emotion

Boyfriends/Girlfriends; Too young but will develop a romantic life

Brief History; Jordan grew up with his mother, Ruby. She has a very important job in Japan and they had a simple life there. Naturally, Japan holds their children highly when it comes to their education and Jordans IQ intrigued them. His teachers saw his genius when he was in preschool and immediately acted on it. They put him in special courses, made him stay long after school was over. At six he had already received the education level most high schoolers should have but lack. He tested into the 2% of people in world who could be considered genius. At seven his mother realized how robbed her child was of having a normal childhood and slowed down the process of his schooling in favor of more id related activities. 

Besides karate and his intense schooling, Jordan didn't have much of a social life. Because of the small interaction he got with other kids, Jordan became shy and reversed around strangers. He isn't good at meeting new people but around those he's comfortable with is when he excels. Though timid as he may be, Jordan can command attention and lead. His shyness only shows when he isn't being himself.

Jordan will grow and become that geek in science class that sits in the back mixing chemicals you hope won't explode. He won't change much, except from becoming a man.

How s/he spends a rainy day; Outside, doing crazy experiments involving the rain.

Me on this Character; Jordan is perfect for helping me with school work I don't understand. He's my motivator to learn what I can and I enjoy his geeky little face in my head.

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