Trey, Kelly and some of my pack mates are here, probably confused as to why we're brawling when they just arrived a few hours ago. "What's going on?" Trey asks just as a couple of wolves from the Ace pack arrives.

 Trey, Shawn and Jeremy take my flanks. And Florian and Kyle also position themselves behind Jemcer. "Please tell me why this is happening." Trey tells me. Through the mind link, I tell him about everything. He stiffens when I finally told him everything and stares at Margo with wide, disbelieving eyes.

 "Cassie?" Trey whispers and my pack members all gasp in unison when that word came out of Trey's mouth. All of them mirror the look on Trey's face. Disbelief. Utter shock, amazement and . . . guilt?

 Cassandra finally steps forward, with her head held high, she stands beside Jemcer and strokes his fur lovingly, extracting a ferocious growl from my mouth. Cassandra turns to look at her brother.

 "Are you really Cassandra?" Shawn asks, his voice coming out as a mere whisper. "Yes." Cassie replies, her voice strong and firm, unlike before. She used to be scrawny, weak, she looked and acted like a pathetic person. Another growl interrupts my thoughts and Jemcer is already barring his teeth at me.

 "I used to be Cassandra Monroe."

 And that statement is the bomb that hit Kelly, Trey, Jeremy, Shawn and my pack mates. "But I'm Margosella Ace now. I'm a member of the Aces. I'm no longer the pathetic, weak and ugly girl you bullied, pushed around and rejected." 

She turns to face me and our eyes meet and an electric feeling runs up my spine as her gorgeous, icy blue eyes hold my blue-green ones captive. 

"You rejected me." She says, and this time, her voice is a whisper. And a stabbing pain in my chest almost made me fall on my knees. "Cassie —" I answer, but she cuts me off. "Don't call me that." She snaps. 

"You said that I'm pathetic. That we're worlds apart. That you're too perfect for me. You said you don't want to be with me. You even said that you don't want to be seen with me. Now, you're claiming to be my mate?" 

I swallow as I absorb her venomous words. "In the note that I left before I ran away, I told you. I accepted your rejection, Jake. Now, I'm happy." She looks at Kelly and Trey. 

"Trey, you were never there for me. For years, I suffered alone. I cried alone. I went through depression alone. I contemplated suicide alone. You're my brother. But you were never there for me. You made your reputation your priority, shunning me out." The whole barn is silent, listening to Cassandra and we could even hear the tiny slpalttering sound caused by the water droplets leaking from the faucet below. 

I refuse to call her Margo.

"You were never there for me, Trey. I tried to talk to you numerous times, yet you ignored me. You treated me like a beggar. You looked at me with disgust." She says, her voice cracking. "That's not the way a brother should treat his sister, Trey." Whispers Cassandra.  

Trey looks broken. His eyes are filled with unshed tears, and I could tell that he's suffering right now. The pain he's feeling right now must be so hard to bear. Cassandra then looks at Kelly. "What did I ever do to you that you treated me like shit?" She asks, her voice shifting from sad to angry.

"Remember when you cut me with that silver knife while Shawn and Jeremy held my arms so tight, they left bruises?" Jeremy and Shawn stiffens and I feel the anger boiling inside me again. How dare they do that to her?!

"Well, let me tell you this," Cassandra begins, looking at all of us in the eye. She looks fierce, independent and strong. 

 "I won't let you do that to me anymore. No. Never again. I will not be treated like a filthy rag that's just tossed around and trampled on." She looks straight at me, and I'm dreading her next statement. 

"You're not my mate. Jemcerson is." And with that final blow, she turns and walks away, leaving the members of the Silver Crescent speechless and gobsmacked.

"You're not my mate."

The words keep on ringing in my ears. 

My wolf is silent. 

His pain is so intense that he couldn't make a single sound as her words keeps on resounding in my ears.  

I shiver as I felt a cold gush of wind and that's when I noticed that I have turned back in my human form. A pack member hands me a pair of basketball shorts and like a robot, I put it on, my eyes staring ahead at the space where she and the Aces stood. 

I grip  Trey's arm for support as I could feel the world crashing on me. Like the sky and the ground collides, and I'm stuck in between. Those were the most painful words I have ever heard my entire life. 

I've never felt this kind of pain before, to the point where it lead my wolf speechless. My chest feels so tight, and I feel like something's about to explode in it. It's suffocating me, making my eyes sting with tears. 

It's amazing how Six words can cause so much pain and agony to me and my wolf. I feel my heart shatter into myriad pieces as her words resound in my ears once more. 

 You're Not My Mate. 

I clutch my chest as the pain grows worse. Oh please, make it stop. I close my eyes as the final two words hit me like a freight train.

"Jemcerson Is." 

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