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I SPENT MY first day in Llandudno walking around enjoying the scenery. I wasn't sure how long I'd be here, I needed to decide where I wanted to go after. I had booked a hotel for a few nights and dumped my bags there before heading out. I loved the scenery, the view of the sea was gorgeous. But I could tell this was the kind of place that if you grew up here, you'd want out.

     I had called my dad when I got here to let him know I was okay. He recommended a pub for me to go to, which I would later on. Llandudno seemed like a very touristy place, but there was no tourists. I'm probably not making any sense but that was what it was like. It reminded me of a place in Galway, salt hill. Salt hill was a little town on the coast that my nana used to go to. It was like a holiday home sort of thing.

     Eventually I got hungry so I decide to go to the pub and see if they sold food. They did, so I ordered a plain burger and a Magners (cider). I sat for a while watching the footy match playing quietly on the flatscreen. I was interrupted from the match by a group of loud guys entering the pub. I paid no attention to them, trying to concentrate on the match.

     I quite liked football, I was never any good at it though. I was rubbish but I did enjoy watching it. The lads sat a couple of seats down from me at the bar, ordering their drinks.

     "Ah, there she is!" One spoke, "How are ya ma?" He got up as two people headed over to the group. I'm assuming they were his parents. Greetings were thrown back and forth before they all sat down. I ordered another drink, I had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

     "Jess?" I heard someone call my name, causing me to look around the pub. "Is that you?" It was the man that came in with the woman. He looked familiar. And then it clicked.

     "Bernard?" I ask unsure.

     "Yeah it's me." He walked over wrapping me in a hug. I haven't seen him in years. He was an old friend of my dad, like an uncle to me but not actually related. I don't even know how they knew each other but they were pretty close. The last time I saw him it was my eighteenth birthday. "Jesus Jess, what're ye doing here?" He asked pulling away.

     "Road trip." I laughed awkwardly. "Decided I needed a change of scenery is all."

     "Well come join us darlin'!" He took my drink leading me over to the loud group at the bar. "Jess, you remember my wife, Mary?" He asked as I took a seat next to her.

     "Indeed I do." I replied, "it's nice to see you again Mary." I turn to her. She immediately starts a conversation asking me how I've been and what I've been up to. We then join in the conversation with the lads and I'm introduced to them.

     Mary and Bernard leave a while later and I'm left with my new friends. "So Van," I begin turning to the boy, "is Van your real name?"

"What do you think, love?" He raised an eyebrow taking a sip from his glass.

"I think," I pause collecting myself before continuing, "that if my parents named me Van, I'd be pretty fucking stoked about it." I laugh. "I mean cmon, Van McCann?! That is like the coolest name I've ever heard."

"Ah thanks love, unfortunately it's not me real name." He smiled before holding out is hand. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Ryan Evan McCann."

I took his hand laughing as I shook it. "Oh so it's Ryan is it? I have a cousin named Ryan." I tell him for no apparent reason. I lean in close to him, "can I tell you a secret?" I ask, he raises his eyebrow. "I like Van better." I whisper before beginning to laugh.

"Okay, okay but seriously what's your deal? How do you guys know each other?" I ask draining my glass and asking the bartender for another.

"We're in a band." Van replies, I give him a look asking him to elaborate. "Bob plays drums, Bondy plays guitar, Ben plays bass and I sing and play the guitar. And well Larry here is our tech guy, he's not good at much else."

"Oh, you're serious!" I exclaim, so maybe I thought he was having a mess. "That's class! So what kind of band are ya?"

"Rock mostly." Bob replied and I let out a little cheer. I love rock music.

"Before I get too excited over this," I pause taking a breath, "what kind of rock, because there's rock and there's rock." I ask.

"Well I really like oasis and arctic monkeys," Van begins and I nearly die. This is my kind of shit.

"You guys seriously need to play for me, like now."


van my man is coming to dublin!
buzzing like a bee

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