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As soon as Nate pulls out and his taillights disappear, I take off running. I probably have about two minutes to run, seeing as the bar isn't very far and I'm pretty good at running.

I keep checking over my shoulder for Nate though. He isn't behind me, even as I push open the door to the bar. Ha. I didn't get caught. But then I see the person who called me. Alexander. "Well hello sweetheart. Didn't think you'd show."

I take the seat across from him and raise my eyebrows. "Sorry it took so long. I was with a friend."

"Ah. I see. Well, do you have it?"

"No. But listen. If you drive me to Quick Trip, I can get the beer, but the other stuff-"

"You were supposed to have it by now Mel." Alex looks at me, his green eyes piercing through me, causing me to squirm.

"I got caught alright? Give me longer. I'm trying."

"I'll give you one more chance with no consequences. But," oh shit. With Alex, this can't be good. "You look great tonight. Come here." I get up, going over to Alex, who pulls me onto his lap and growls softly into my ear. "One more week. If you can't by then, someone you love will have to pay. Okay honey?"

"Fine Alex. Is that all?"

"Yes. Meet me here next week, call me if you have it earlier. If you don't have it, I will find you Mel." He pulls on a strand on my hair and I get off his lap, making my way through the crowd to the bar, where I sit, thinking about how screwed I am, when someone sits next to me.

"Whiskey. One for me, one for the lovely lady." As he says it, he smiles at me. "I'm Mac."

"Sarah. Thanks for the drink."

"No problem. Hey, are you here alone?"

I nod and take a long sip from the glass I'm handed, the whiskey burning it's way down my throat. "I am now. I ditched the person I was here with."

"Sorry to hear that," Mac murmurs and I give him a hard look. Messy sandy hair, soft grey eyes, sexy jaw line, damn good muscles. He's smoking hot.

"No, he was an ass. I'm glad he's gone."

"What were you going to do after this?"

"Go home and mope probably, like usual. What about you?"

"Probably pass out. Unless you want to come with me. I'd enjoy that."

"I would too Mac." My brother won't, but hell, screw Jason for tonight. I need a distraction. Especially after hanging out with Nate all day. So I finish my whiskey and grin at Mac. "Let's go."


When we get to his house, we barely get inside before the kissing starts. His hands play with the hem of my shirt and I let him yank it over my head. I kick my shoes off as he takes his shirt off and I'm mesmerized by his abs.

"You look amazing," he says as his eyes travel my body, up and down.

"You're not too shabby yourself Mac." Then his arms are around my waist as his lips attack mine and my arms snake around his neck, my eyes closed.

I can tell the alcohol is messing with me, because all I can think of is Nate. Nate, Nate, Nate.

Mac undoes the button on my jeans, and of course all I can think of is Nate. I think of Nate's gentle hands unbuttoning them. Nate kissing me. Nate's hands traveling my body-

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