Chapter Six

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Dan's POV:

I lay awake that night, unable to fall asleep. However, insomnia was the least of my bothers. I was... Twitching. My body was contorting itself in a series of sharp twitches, trying to listen to my brains urges to kill. I wouldn't let it, though. I kept myself in my bed.

Why am I like this? I haven't questioned myself since the times before I snapped. Why? Am I just so far gone that I can't even bother to question why I want to kill? Why haven't I stopped to think how this would truly affect me? My life. Not just if I get caught, but my mental health in general.

Would I slip so far that it would be impossible to stop myself?

Am I truly a psychopath? I thought they weren't capable of rational thinking... I thought they just acted on instinct, and their instinct is to kill. Do they just kill for fun?

I can control myself, but my twitching is worrying me.  Is this my sign of slipping further? Will I not be able to stop myself one day? What if I hurt someone I don't want to hurt... What if I hurt Phil? Surely he could get away from me. Maybe... I am the stronger one of us. Only slightly. Maybe not. Could he talk me out of it in time? Could he say the right thing to me before I inevitably murder him and ruin my life in the process? Would he even be able to stop me? 

For the first time in all this mess, I truly let these thoughts and questions sink into my head. Not just to sink in, but to overwhelm me.

It consumed me.

Phils POV:

I've never been one to have sleeping troubles. Why am I having them now? Am I ill?

I also never really think about who Dan and I truly are, to be honest, it scares me. I'm afraid that one day we'll slip up, or the FBI will find out what we're doing. I'm more afraid of what will come of Dan, though. I'm more in control of these "urges" than he is.

What happened to Dan earlier at the store was something that worried me. He had never really acted out like that. Even if he was having urges. For some reason, I felt the need to go in there and check on him.

I pulled myself out of bed, walked up to my bedroom door and quietly opened it. I walked down the hall and stood in front of Dan's bedroom.

"What if he's just sleeping and I'm bothering him?" I thought to myself.

I pushed the thought aside and decided that even if he was just sleeping and I woke him, I would rather take the risk of waking him than have something be wrong and not do anything about it.

I knocked a few times. "Dan, are you awake?"

I waited for a response.

"Yeah, come in." He said, in a flat, irritated tone.

I pushed the door open and stepped in. He was sitting up in his bed with his knees up to his chest. Shaking.

"Dan?! What's wrong?!" I asked, rushing over to him and sitting beside him.

He inhaled sharply. "Phil. I can't take this anymore. I... I can't... I need to kill someone right now."

I sighed deeply. We don't have anything planned. It usually takes us weeks to plan a murder. I'm not risking getting caught, it's not worth it.

"Dan, you can't act on impulse with things like this. It takes time." I stated to him.

"I know, Phil... I know."

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