I Fell in Love With a Ghost

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The man, not even attempting to be careful, dumped Arin into his hands. She tumbled into his hands, now feeling more helpless than ever as she stared up at him. She could only stand, impotent, as he grabbed her wing, treating it only a bit more recherché than Arin herself.
"What'd you do?!" He growled. "You were my prime exhibit!"
"A-as if I cared!" She retorted in a chagrin, but cowered again under his glower. He dumped her into a jar. "No!" She shrieked, pounding on the glass, her lacerated wings fluttering crazily as the man put the lid on. She looked over at Reggie, her eyes begging him to help her, but Reggie had to fly away to keep away from the net the man was now swinging at him.
The music suddenly came on again. Reggie froze and the net swung down over him, his clawed wings getting tangled in it.
"No!" Arin yelled again, still trying to get out of the jar.

I fell in love with a ghost...

Her wings stopped fluttering as another song played over Reggie's. That short, small feeling of security swept over her. The spell on both of them was broken slightly by yelling.
"I had this song on first!" Yelled one voice as Reggie's song got louder. Arin's song got louder too, and it hurt her ears.
"But this song's better!"
"Claire! Gloria!" The man yelled in retaliation, turning to the two girls who had suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Turn off that racket!"
"Or don't..." Arin pleaded silently, already missing the, even if temporary, safe feeling as the songs both switched off.
"Fine, Desmond..." Both girls sighed.
"Ooh, a fairy!" One squealed, rushing over to the jar Arin was in. Arin backed to the other side of the jar. She didn't like the idea of two other humans grabbing or shaking the jar. One was bad enough.
"Hey!" "Desmond" exclaims, lifting up the net. There was a tear in it. Reggie was gone. Arin looked over to the hole in the wall just in time to see him disappear through it. With no hesitation.

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