10 Facts

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1) Nickname(s): Crystal, Kage, and Miri chan

2) Eye Color: My eyes change color but three of the colors I see them mostly are, Green, Silver(grey), and green blue.

3) Hair Color: My hair color now is Black, but my natural hair color is Light Brown.

4) One Fact: I have a habit of over obsessing every thing (Incase you guys  can't tell by now XD)

5) Favorite Color: Black, Dark Red, Greyish Blue, and pastel colors.

6) Favorite Place: My Room... Everything I will ever need to live is there(besides snacks and food).

7) Favorite Celeberity: I don't have one .-.

8) Favorite Animal: Pandas

9) Favorite Song: I have way too many but I guess I'll just choose one I'm listening to right now. Feathers by: Coheed and Cambria.

10) Favorite Book: Fire and Ice by Erin Hunter.

I'll only tag 2 people because I'm not in the mood for making people suffer....


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