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Chapter One

Dylan’s POV;

I woke up to the sound of Ryan blasting Big Sean from the speakers in his room and him being so loud in the shower. I pulled the blankets off of me and placed my feet in my bunny slippers, making my way out to the hallway. I banged on Ryan’s door and surprisingly Justin was the one to open it. “Can you two keep it down? I’m trying to sleep.” I growled.

“Good morning to you too, Dylan.” Justin laughed, leaning against the door frame.

“Shut up and turn the music down.”

“Hey Ryan, your sister said turn the music down.” Justin smiled, taunting me. I watched his eyes rake my body and made no intention on hiding it. “Nice slippers.”

“Stop being gross.” I rolled my eyes walking back to my room.

“Nice ass too.”


I slipped my feet in my cheetah print Vans sneakers, grabbing my tote and iPhone charger before walking down the stairs. I saw my mom making her annual First day of school pancakes, and Ryan and Justin already shoveling their first plate down their throats. “Good morning mom.” I smiled, grabbing my keys off the counter.

“Dylan, you aren’t leaving so soon are you?” My father asked, folding the newspaper he was reading.

“Yeah, come eat some pancakes, Frankie can wait.” Justin said.

I scowled at him, “Guys, really, I have to go.”

“It’s the first day of school, why are you possibly in a rush?” Ryan asked.

“Well, unlike the two football MVPS sitting in the kitchen right now, I actually have to fight for my parking space, and Frankie and I want to pack everything into our lockers before everyone else gets there.” I said, opening the door. “I love you guys, bye!”

Twenty Minutes Later;

I pulled my cherry red mustang into the parking spot right in front of the school and turned off the cars ignition. I grabbed my tote from the passenger seat and hopped out the car, locking it behind me. I trudged my way into the building and found Frankie sitting against the wall, head back, eyes closed, and some kind of music blaring through his headphones. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. He didn’t move, I’m sure he knew it was me, so we sat that way for a couple of minutes before he shuffled a bit, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Now, I know what you’re thinking, and no we are not a couple. Frankie and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We were both new students to Huntington Elementary for the first grade. We were both adopted, and we both had a strange love for anything chocolate so we hit it off very well. I pulled a headphone out of his ear, “You know one of these days you’re gonna go deaf.”

“Don’t jinx me you asshole.” Frankie laughed…oh yeah, he’s Irish.

I giggled and made my way to get up. “C’mon, we better check out our lockers before everyone else gets here.”

“Well hello there Miss Dylan.” A voice said behind me.

I blushed instantly when I realized who it was. “What do you want Vince?”

“I called you two weeks ago, you never picked up. If you’re playing hard to get then I got the message.” Vince chuckled, his friends laughing a long with him.

“I know what you’re all about, I mean, you’re cute and all, but you aren’t my type…”

“I’m everyone’s type.” He winked walking past me. “Oh yeah, sup Frankie, you’re doing great on the basketball team.”

I watched his retreating back and then looked up at Frankie who was biting back a laugh. “What?”

“You like him so much.” Frankie laughed walking towards the locker area.

“No, I just think he’s cute.”

“And you like him.”

“No, can you not?” I giggled leaning against the locker next to his. “Hey, why don’t you ask someone out this year instead of staying single?”

“Go out with Vince and I’ll ask someone out.”

“No way, that’s like…well, I don’t know but no way.”

“You want to go out with him Dylan.”

“Are you forgetting who my brother is and who his best friends are? They’re all on the same football team too, and I wouldn’t want to mess that team bond they have going on.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Frankie laughed as the school started to fill up.

As Long As You Love Me - A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now