Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning, Mindy wakes up to her hands untie. "This is odd. He must had been able to make sure I can't get away to untie me." Her head turns to see a note on the night stand that reads "Don't even try to run. I've secured all the doors and windows in this house. Wash up and come down. – Ogre"

She crumbles up the paper and toss it across the room. She gets up and attempts to open the window but it wouldn't budge. "Damn ogre." She cursed him under her breath. "You can't keep me here forever."


Jonah got up early as usual, washed up and then headed to Mindy's room. He had plans to lock all the windows and secured all the doors. Knowing this girl, she might just try to jump out of a second floor window. After he was done, he went over to her and untied her hands. Then he decided to leave her a note. He was sitting next to her on the bed while writing the note.

Mindy stirs in her sleep turning to face him moving her hands in front of her face. He looks to see if she was awake but she wasn't. His attention then turns to her wrists, red again from the rope.

"What should I do about you?" he says reaching out to touch her wrist. He thinks back to the day at the lake when he had met her. Her beautiful smile, her laugh, her gentleness. "If you weren't my enemy, I would have made you mine," he said to a sleeping Mindy. His voice was soft and sincere. His heart ached and tugged at him.

Pulling his hand away, he debates whether to put down his name at the end of the note. He sets the note down and head out after signing it with "Ogre".


Jonah was at the table enjoying a morning coffee and his breakfast. He had heard Mindy getting into the shower and knows she will be down soon. He had a newspaper in his hand reading the headline, a smile plastered on his face.

Mindy slowly descend the stairs. "Don't need to be sneaky princess, I'm down here." Breathing a defeated sigh she goes down.

She walks over to him nervously his eyes never leaving the paper he was reading.

"Ummm. Can I ask a favor?" she timidly asks.

"What?" he said not looking up.

"I... Can I call my parents?"

"Ha! No."

"Please, my parents were expecting a call from me when I've arrived in Korea. They must be worried sick about me."

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to hand over a phone to you?"

"I won't do anything. I just want to call them and tell them I'm okay. I don't want them to worry. Please."

"And why should I...." his breath caught as he looked up at her for the first time this morning.

Mindy was wearing a white lace floral dress that hugs the upper half of her body and flares at the bottom ending above her knees. The sleeves wrapping around her arms exposing her shoulders and collarbones. Her hair was straighten out falling down to her waist. And she also wore light makeup adding color to her face she's left bare for days.

Jonah was speechless. His voice caught in his throat. Her beauty hypnotizing him and making his hormones run wild. His eyes roam her body from head to toe, first thoughts were to embrace her and taste every inch of her body and bend her over the table. Trying his best to control his voice he asks, "What's the occasion?"

"I knew I shouldn't have worn this. It's my birthday today, I thought just because I was in a shitty situation right now, doesn't mean my looks had to be. But looking at this disgusting ogre staring me down, I'm starting to regret my decision."

"I..uh...just felt like it." Mindy said the first thing that came to her mind. She broke eye contact with him afraid he will see right through her.

Jonah saw right through her. But he just didn't know what it was. "So is this supposed to seduce me into saying yes to your request? If so, sorry princess but you'll have to do better. I prefer my seductresses sexier and naked. Not bland like you." God he was totally lying to himself. He hates when women throw themselves at him. And the women right now standing in front of him was nowhere near bland but the most beautiful he's ever seen.

Mindy was hurt by his words. She couldn't fathom why. She hated and despise him. Just then she thought about Nate. How he would never say such cruel words to her. Also to her father, always calling her the most beautiful girl in the world. How can this ogre be so cruel? Tears swell up in her eyes. She bites down on her bottom lips hard to keep the tears from falling turning her face away.

But she wasn't fast enough to hide her emotions. He saw it all before she turned her face. He had hurt her. Seeing her sad only worsen his stance. Even in her state she was still so flawless.

"Two minutes." He said emotionless. "Huh?" she turns her head to him blinking one too many times at his words. "Two minutes. And I will be there right next to you when you call. Speaker on. Say anything suspicious and I'll cut the call and I'll tie you to a tree again. Remember what happen last time?" he threaten her. How can she ever forget? Nodding her head vigorously she thanks him, "Thank you so much."

With that she heads up the stairs with him following behind. "Go to my room." He said from behind her.

She was hesitant but did as she was told. Walking in she naturally went to sit on his bed while he grab her phone from the locked cabinet.

"I'll have to call through Skype." She said taking her phone from him. "That way they'll think I'm abroad." He just nodded at her.

She call her mom's phone, hoping that they will answer. Jonah sits next to her on the bed with the phone closer by him and his finger above the end button ready to cut the call. After the third ring her mother's voice boom through the speaker. "Young lady! What took you so long to contact us? You should have landed a couple days ago! What happen? Are you okay? You worried your father and me to death!" her mother's complaints come one after another.

"Mom, mom, mom, calm down! Sorry. I got side tracked when I arrived. I had to meet with my boss right away and got caught up in unpacking. Sorry." She lied quickly. A small smile spreads across her face hearing her mother's voice. It feels like it's been forever. "Mom I miss you." Her voice came out weaker than she had wanted.

"I miss you too Hun. Is everything okay?" Her mom's voice full of concern.

She looked to Jonah. He was staring at her intently waiting for her answer. "Yeah mom it is. I'm just still very exhausted. I don't have much time to talk, I'm on break at work. Where's dad? I want to talk to him too." At the mention of her father his jaw tense.

"Hey honey how are you? You had your mother and I worried for a second." Her father said through the phone. Mindy can see Jonah's hand shaking above the phone and then his hand clenching into a fist. She look to his face. He was pissed. She had to end it quickly.

Why did you do it dad? Did you really cheat on mom? The real questions that she wanted to ask her father but couldn't. "Dad don't worry about me. Just take good care of mom okay?....Only mom." She added that at the end.

"Of course princess. And you just take care of yourself as well." She cringed at the word princess. Her father often time called her and her sister that but now she just hated the name. Jonah grinned at her reaction.

"Well, I have to go now. I'll call you guys again okay? And don't call me on this phone anymore. I'm getting a new one so when I do, I'll give you guys another call." Her lies building. Tears threating to come out now.

"Wait wait wait honey." Said her mother. "Nate's here. He wants to speak to you."

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