Chapter 1

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Ms.Hill, Renee, and Amari's house in the MM.

Excuse Any Mistakes!!!





I tiredly woke up at 6am to get ready for school. I got up from my Queen sized bed and made my way towards my bathroom. I huffed moving some hair out of my face. I hated mornings, but in order to make my parents proud I gotta get my education. I grabbed my toothbrush and started my morning routine.

When I was done showering and getting dress I went downstairs. As soon as I got down there, there was a knock at the door. There was only one person it could be.

I opened the door and slightly smiled.
"Hey Ms.Hill."

"Hey punkin, you eat yet?" she came in with a plate covered with foil.

I laughed at how she just came in.

"No ma'am."

"Well I brought you breakfast. You comin over for dinner?"

I nodded "Yes ma'am."

"Okay, Are you okay? You taking good care of ya self?" she asked concerned

I gave her a assuring smile and nodded.

Months ago when I moved here, she was the "friendly type of neighbor".
Bringing different type of food dishes over and inviting me to different small events. She would often ask about my parents, but of course I lied. I didn't want her in my business, nor calling CPS on me. But when she did findout she surprisingly didn't call. She felt bad, and ever since then she's been family and has kept my secret.

She stared at me for a minute and I became uncomfortable but after a while she nodded again "Okay, Ill see you tonight."

"Bye Ms.Hill." I said as she walked out

She waved and was on her way next door back to her home.

She did this almost every morning. Once I moved from Miami to Atlanta, She was like my granny, and I loved her like she was.

I opened the foil and instantly started to eat the grits,eggs,and sausage since it was still warm. After I ate I grabbed my phone and keys to head out for school. I played my number one favorite artist ...Chris Brown ofcourse... through my phone on the Aux Cord.

As I pulled up into my normal parking spot to the big school building I sighed and grabbed my Beats earphones. I opened my door and grabbed my bookbag that was in the backseat. I walked off into the school and seen some females staring and some continued their conversations. I rolled my eyes at the ones staring, like I know Im fine but damn.

I went to my locker and stuffed my bookbag in there and grabbed the books I would need for the classes that were coming up before lunch. After slamming the locker closed I looked up seeing my closest..friend, Brandon.

Brandon is Ms.Hill's grandson and he was the only person I really talked to around here.

"Wassup Mar-Mar." he hugged me.

Broken Pieces [August Alsina Fanfiction] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora