Pietro X Reader: Starting On A Good Note

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You cannot believe how fast time has gone. It seems like only yesterday that you were just at home, trying to conceal your powers for the world around you while taking on multiple part time jobs. Now you were a member of the most powerful superhero group ever, the Avengers, using your powers for good. Not only that, but you did not have sweat too much anymore about money. Tony offered his place to you, giving you your own floor with everything you need. 

Right now, you are at Tony's party to celebrate New Year's Eve as well as the upcoming new year. You wore your (y/f/c) party dress that was slightly covered in glitter. While chatting away with Thor (more so listen to him ramble about his victories over the nine realms), your (y/e/c) wandered around the room looking for your favorite team member.


It was a few months ago when Fury called you and Rhodey in to help out the Avengers with what was going in Sokovia. You knew at that moment that you had put your insecurities aside and help those innocent people from that crazy robot. As soon as your boat landed on the flying city, you went to work. You see your mutation was the ability to control/manipulate/create not only electricity, but all matter including metals. You broke every robot that was in your way. You had even saved the other Avengers a few times. 

There were a few moments you ran into the newest members on the team. Every time he passed by you. Pietro would wink at you and smile which of course made you blush. One time he did that you internally thanked Wanda for hitting him. 

Soon everyone was on the boats and you were running towards one of them when a woman told Clint her son was still in the market. Your eyes widened as you saw Clint race towards the child. Everything happened at once. You saw the jet shooting bullets down the street. You saw Pietro in the corner of your eyes. You knew what you had to do. Somehow you were able to run over, push both men out of the way, and stop all of the bullets that were going to hit all three guys behind you. 

It took a lot out of you, but you saved all three men. With everything that happened, your energy weakened and you were about to collapsed on the ground, but Pietro caught you and carried you to the boat where you stayed in his arms. Once you were awake, the Maximoff Twins stuck to you like glue, becoming your friends.

End of Flashback

From that moment, your feelings for Pietro grew stronger and stronger. It was hard to think of a time when he was not around to make you smile or inwardly swoon with his charming antics. He was always there for you no matter where you were or what you were doing. He became somehow you found you could trust and rely upon.

As it was getting closer to midnight, you were losing hope that Speedy was not going to show up. You don't mind Tony's parties, but being the introvert you were it was hard to socialize with other people. You talked to Bruce and Clint but they got pulled into other conversations. You were going to go to Wanda, but she was trying to get to know Vision a bit more. You knew your best friend was fascinated with the android so you did not want to ruin her moment.

As soon as it was 11:55 pm, you put your drink down and was about to meet the others to get a better view of the ball when it happened. A white and blue blur came into view for a minute, took you in their arms, and carried you to the top of the building. You blinked for a moment taking in what happened and smiled. Pietro looked down at you and smiled that charming smile of his. "What you didn't see that coming?"

You shook your head with a smile glued to your face. "Kind of. I was hoping you would show up and lighten up the party, but this works too."

He chuckled. "Well I thought you would enjoy this view better."

You knew what he was talking about. The view on the roof was amazing. The lights of the crazy city below, the crowds gathering together to start the countdown, the sky shining down....it was a great view of what was to take place soon. 

Your eyes were stuck on the city. "This is amazing. I have never seen a more beautiful view of the city."

"I have seen more beautiful sights though." You turned to find his eyes on you with that flirtatious smirk of his. His eyes screamed of love and adoration as he cupped your cheek. "You are more beautiful than anything or anymore below." 

"Do you really mean that?" Your cheeks got more red as he came closer and closer to you.

"(Y/N), I have something I wanted to tell you for a long time, but was afraid you would not feel the same way towards me. I want to start this new year right. With you at my side every step of the way." Pietro was literally in your face at this point, looking at you with those intense eyes.

You vaguely hear the countdown starting, but your main focus was on the man in front of you.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He said with such confidence that it shook you to your core.

Then when it had stuck midnight, both of you met half way and kissed each other passionately. The fireworks and celebration below was nothing compared to the kiss you both had exchanged. It went on for a good while until you both needed to breath. 

Pulling away, you had the biggest smile on your face. "Pietro I love you."

He had a huge smile on his face from the kiss as well, but got a little bigger from your confession. He pecked your lips a few more times. "I know." He whispered in between kisses. "I can tell that."

This year was starting off on a good note. You knew it was going to be a great year as long as Pietro was at side every step of the way. 


A/N: Hey guys!! 

My year has been filled with many ups and down, but what has always brightened my days was your response to this collection of one-shots. Your comments, messages and votes have meant all the world to me. It has given me confidence that I have skills. 

Thank you so much for making this year better for me.

Remember: you guys can still send me requests. If you are fast enough, I can do your idea before 2016 comes. Or it can be the first one-shot of the new year. Who knows? Hit me up with a comment or a message.

Fairfarren, my beautiful lovelies!

Have a happy New Year!


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