New Year's heartache

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A/N: What's this? No trigger warning? That's rare... Don't get used to it though. Enjoy~

  Oikawa had been acting weird for the past few days. He has been cuddling and kissing Iwaizumi more than usual, he would suddenly go quiet and when Iwaizumi asked what was wrong he didn't reply at all... The ace didn't think much of it. He was sure that if there was indeed something wrong with the boy he would whine about it and if it was really bad he would eventually come out and tell Iwaizumi what was wrong. But today, that wasn't something he wanted to think about, it was New Year's Eve and he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend, Oikawa decided to stay in instead of going to Bokuto's party, it wasn't like the captain to miss a party but Iwaizumi wanted to stay home anyway, he was planning on starting 2016 with some "pleasant memories".

Iwaizumi was in the living room, starting to take down Christmas decorations so he wouldn't procrastinate later on.

"Iwa-chan~" Oikawa whispered, popping up behind Iwaizumi.

"Yeah?" Iwaizumi turned around.

Oikawa placed a hand on the other boy's back and pulled him in to a kiss, Iwaizumi pulled away for air after a while.

"W-what the hell?!" he said, blushing.

"Mistletoe." Oikawa pointed up at the decoration hanging in the ceiling.

"Don't just randomly pop up behind me!"

"Oh shut up..."

Oikawa pulled Iwaizumi in for another kiss, the latter quickly melted in his arms, they moved to the couch, shirts were thrown to the floor, kisses were exchanged, tongues danced the waltz and soon enough no clothes were being worn, it was all on the floor and two boys were a sweaty and flushing mess on the couch. Pants and moans echoed throughout the house. When the boys were...well, done... Oikawa got up and started getting dressed, Iwaizumi decided to do the same.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving." Oikawa said, hand ready to twist the doorknob.

"What? Why?"

"I... Iwaizumi, I'm breaking up with you." He said, staring blankly at Iwaizumi.

"What?! You fuck me and break up with me afterwards?! Who do you think I am?!" Iwaizumi growled, clenching his fists.


"A toy." Oikawa grinned.

"You don't mean it..." Iwaizumi mumbled, tears threatening to spill at any second.

"Did you really think I cared for you? I just used you, I got bored of fucking other girls, it was too easy, they would do it in a matter of seconds. You... you were a challenge, I wanted to see how far I could go with you, how long I could tug at your heart strings. I never thought you would be that easy to sway, all it took was a couple of months and you were like putty in my hands." Oikawa laughed. "But I will give it to you, you are a good toy. Who would've thought, my childhood friend, would be stupid enough to fall for me..."

"Shut up...Shut up... SHUT UP!"

Iwaizumi ran toward Oikawa with his fist ready to throw a punch, tears streaming down his face, his punch was quickly stopped by Oikawa's hand, the latter smirked.

"You're useless to me now, I had my fun. I suggest you forget we were ever together, if you tell anyone about it I will deny all of it." Oikawa turned around and left, his smirk quickly turning into a frown as he stepped outside.

He didn't mean it, it was just easier this way,. Iwaizumi would hate him and would get over him faster, forget about him, that they were ever in a relationship. Rather than giving him false hopes that he would come back or keep in contact once he moves away. His parents would most certainly obligate him to cut all ties with the Iwaizumi, not wanting them to even speak to each other. Childhood friends or not his parents didn't want them to be in a relationship, they loved Iwaizumi, he wasn't a bad kid but they just couldn't accept the fact that he was in a relationship with their son. Specially not after what they saw them do in the living room. It was unacceptable to have their child be with another man, they wanted their son to get married. Not that it was easier for him to see Iwaizumi like that... but the pain wouldn't last a long time...right?

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