Remember Our Promise?

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A/N: Trigger warning! Do I have to say what it contains? It'll be spoiled, but it's the same as the previous warnings, you have been warned. I am not responsible for the feels you might get by the end of this oneshot. Me and "my Oikawa" went a little over the edge on this one... A lot of things were said, tears were shed, I don't know why it took such a dark turn but it did so...

~Oikawa's room yet again!~

"I'm feeling kind of nice today so..."

Oikawa opened his arms "Oh come here! I want to enjoy this as much as I can."

Iwaizumi sat on the other boy's lap, facing him. "Take it while you can."

"I'm gonna do it..." The taller boy kissed down his boyfriend's neck.

"I would've let you that even if I wasn't feeling nice..." He said biting his lip.

"I think I'm ready, Hajime..."

"T-to t-top me...?" Iwaizumi's eyes widened.


Oikawa took off Iwaizumi's shirt. "You have done it before.. With a girl, it's the same thing, isn't it? You got this..." he mumbled to himself.

"Are you okay?" Iwaizumi said cocking his head to the side.

"I'm trying to be a man! When people found out that I was a bottom they said terrible things, they said that I was a pussy, that I wasn't a real man and.. it really hurt so, I'm trying to change that now."

"You don't have to do it... You can just say you did."

"I am not a liar..." Oikawa sighed gently pushing Iwaizumi off of his lap. "I'm sorry I can do this..."

"It's okay." Iwaizumi said wrapping an arm around the other boy.

"I feel so weak, I'm not even able to top my own boyfriend!" Oikawa growled through clenched teeth.

"You're not weak just because you don't top... I think you're strong specially after all the shit you went through and the thing with your parents..." Iwaizumi sighed " I don't know what I would've done if I were you. I love you, you don't have to change because some dumbasses told you something so stupid."

"Hajime..." Oikawa hugged the shorter boy "Thanks for being my boyfriend, and more importantly... my best friend."

"You don't have to thank me for that. I'll always be here for you, Tooru...I love you."

"I love you too..." The king sighed.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah..." He said, his voice cracking.

"Don't lie to me..." Iwaizumi frowned. "You promised, no more lies! What's wrong?!"

"I'm fine." Oikawa said, crying into the other boy's chest.

"Someone that's fine doesn't start crying! Tell me what's wrong.."

"I'm so weak..."

"Why do you care so much about what those idiots said?"

"Because..." Oikawa sighed. "I don't know..."

Iwaizumi sighed. "If you were weak do you think you would even be here, after all you went through?"

"I tried to k-kill myself, remember?" He said digging his nails on the other boy's shoulder.

"If you were weak you wouldn't have let me stop you and you would've tried to do it again."

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