I'll Hold Your Hand.

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" Hate to be the one to so this to you, Shock." Knave said, holding the woman by the arm. She looked a little shaken up, but she still had enough sense to give him a glare.

" Do...what?" She asked, her heart still skipping beats. She was amazed that this time wasn't the time that finally killed her " Kill me? ...'Cause I thought Blue would be the the one to do that." She said, giving him a smirk, " I miss our one-on-one time."

Knave sighed, still pulling her down the hall. " You almost killed yourself, and you still have the time to joke."

" Someone's got to give this place a bit of light." She said with a smirk as they stopped in front of a locked door. Shock frowned, tilting her head to look up at him.

" Blue wants you to stay in here until he has time to deal with you." Knave said, unlocking the door to a storage room. Shock looked up at him again, her eyes wide.

" He wants me in a closet?"

" It's the one thing he thought of that has a lock." He said, pushing in her the dark closet. " I'm sorry." He said, trying to sound genuine.

Shock gave him the most menacing look as he closed the door on her. She stood in the dark closet, fuming.

" You and your master, Blue, will be sorry once I get out of here! I'll get you both behind bars! You son of a bitch!" She screamed before letting her head thump against the closed door. " Dammit." She whispered.


Candy entered the dance studio, her eyes looking around at the slightly run down room. But, it was the brightest room in the facility. Mirrors on the far wall with bars attached to them, some of the dancers stretching there. Her eyes landed on Bird, the girl Blue was choking before. She was talking to a black haired girl, tears still on her face. Candy, with a sullen look on her face, walked towards them.

" I was sure he was going to kill me." Bird said, her voice thick with tears as the older girl rubbed calming circles on her back. " I couldn't do it. The client, he was so... I had to leave, and then Blue..."

" Shh." The older girl cooed to the crying blonde, glancing up when Candy headed towards them. Bird glanced up, a grateful smile on her face when she saw her, dispite her tears.

" Thank you." She said, pulling away from the other girl, who was looking at her with steely gaze. " If you hadn't have shown up..."

" It's no problem." Candy said, a small smile creeping across her face. " You're Bird, right?"

" They call me Little Bird, and this,"- she pointed to the older girl,-" is Little Sis."

" It's nice to meet you both." Candy said, nodding. " I'm-"

" -Candy Eyes." Little Sis said, a small smile on her face, " Shock talks about you quite a bit."

" Oh," Candy said, " so, do you know why they call you Little Sis?" She asked, " you seem to be the oldest one here."

Little Sis gave her a smile, though her eyes seemed sad. " We're like a family, Shock being the big sister, and me being the little sister."

Candy, after spending years with a liar, she could sense that the girl was lying, but she didn't prod her any farther.

She glanced over when she the older woman walk into the room. She was the one that was directing the girl on the stage when she arrived yesterday.

" That's Madame Gorski." Bird said, seeing the confused look on Candy's face. The woman walked with a confident stride, and the girls in the room looked on at her in admiration, instead of the fear she was used to seeing when they looked at Blue, or any orderly, for that matter. She had dark hair that was pulled up on top of her head. But, shortly after she walked in, Blue and Knave walked in. Knave looked slightly worn out, and Blue looked cocky, as per usual.

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