Chapter 2

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AN: thank you @ZollieHolbyCity  for your suggestion!

The next day:
"Ollie, we need to talk," Zosias voice cut off Ollies thoughts, "About us,"
"Yeah..." He replied, "Zosh you know how I feel about you and I think,"
"Oi, Saucer, Valentine, this is Sarah Alcdemas she is 35 with suspected heart failure, well what are you waiting for? Order her tests," Jac brought a aquard end to their convocation and each walked away thinking different things. Zosia thought that Ollie was about to end their relationship whereas Ollie was convinced that they were going for it. 

Mo arrived in Darwin just as the pair had walked in opposite directions and all she saw was Zosias tear stained face disappear  behind a curtain, then Ollies grinning one strut up to her.
"Hey Mo! Have you seen Zosia anywhere?" He asked, not bothering to hide his apparent ecstasy,
"Yes... She ran behind that curtain crying," Mo suspiciously said, "What did you do to her?"
"What!?" Ollie exclaimed, "I thought she was happy that we are together!"
Mo looked at him again suspiciously, but all her doubts seemed to seep away as a sympathetic smile settled on her face.
"Right. Go find her, talk to her, then come back to me and tell me everything." She ordered. Ollie did a mock salute and walked off towards Zosia.

"Zosia, are you ok?" He asked, trying to be empathetic,
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" She yelled "Im never good enough, just go away!" At this she started beating Ollies chest with her fists,
"Zosh, I l..." He started
"NO YOU DON'T, IT'S ALL LIES, LIES," At that she started crying uncontrolabully and ran into the bathroom."

AN: Sorty for the bad spelling and grammar! Any suggestions just leave a comment below⬇️

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