"How is she alive Doctor. A bullet ripped through her chest not so long ago" Rory asked confused.

"Regeneration is a way Time Lord's can cheat death." The Doctor said. "By the way, how did you know about that gun?"

"Saw it at the corner of my eye and I didn't want any of you to get hurt because of me."

"Forgot to say. Blowing up UNITS's base!!"

"Like I said before they were capturing harmless lost aliens and ones that crash landed here to test on them. We have to go back and help the Trees of Cheem."

"What!? After what happened to you? I don't think so." Amy protested.

"It's only a quick stop. I know where they're being held at anyway." Before the Doctor could protest she sent the TARDIS into flight.

"We're here."

"Yea, and I think UNIT know that too." Rory commented sarcastically.

"Yes but they don't know where or who."

Astrea left the TARDIS before anything else could be said.

"Hello Jade." Astrea cheered with a smile.

"Astrea. Long time no see." Jade grinned.

"Figured you and the others needed a lift."

"Astrea, you alright?" The Doctor shouted.

"I'm fine Doctor." She called into the TARDIS. "Come along now before UNIT comes."

They made their way into the TARDIS and Astrea danced around the console, taking them home.

"Good to see you, Jade." The Doctor grinned.

"Same to you Doctor." Jade smiled. "Thank you for helping us again, Astrea. We are still grateful for last time."

Astrea was still running around the console and replied, "I told you not to worry about it."

"What did happen last time, Jade?" the Doctor questioned.

"Astrea helped free us and hundreds of other species from UNIT. At the moment they are trying to find a way to thank her for it."

"Tell them not to bother." She pulled one last lever then the TARDIS let out a low hum to indicate they have landed. "There. Back home."

"Thank you all for helping us."

"Your welcome, Jade." The Doctor said smiling before they left.

"Go ahead. Get it off your chest." Astrea spoke slightly annoyed.

"We'll leave you two to talk." Rory said taking Amy into the Doctor's TARDIS.

"Before you start we didn't mean to blow up UNIT. Sam and I only meant to distract them until we freed them all but we backed up to a console and pressed the self destruct button by accident."

"I wasn't going to say that."

Astrea still hadn't turned around from the console and when the TARDIS was drifting in space she opened the roof of the TARDIS revealing the stars. "Thank you for keeping that." She smiled patting the TARDIS console. "What were you going to say then anyway?" She turned around and caught the Doctor staring at her. "What?" She asked confused looking at her body. "What is it? What are you staring at?"

"I'm not staring. I'm admiring." he replied with a smile plastered on his face.

Astrea smiled and was blushing ferociously. She looked at the floor so the Doctor wouldn't see her blush. "Hm. Long blond hair this time and slightly curly." She looked up and asked the Doctor. "How do I look this time?" The Doctor's face reddened when he said "Extremely pretty and marvelous blue eyes with a hint of green. What did you mean by 'Thank you for keeping that?'"

"Look up." She smiled. "Also Doctor your not bad looking yourself."

The Doctor smiled back and when he looked up his face dropped in astonishment.

"Beautiful isn't it. Haven't been here in years."

"That's....amazing." He finally said chuckling halfheartedly.

Astrea sat down on the floor and lay back admiring the view. "It's more comfortable here." she grinned. Doctor looked down and saw Astrea laying on the floor looking at the stars. He saw how the stars reflected in her eyes and felt his love for her deepen. He lay down beside her and looked up. "You didn't answer my question by the way."

"What was that?"

"What were you going to say that wasn't about UNIT blowing up."

The Doctor turned his head to look at her. "Why did you take the bullet for me? You know I'm a Time Lord and can regenerate, so why bother?"

"You don't deserve to get shot for what I did and I've seen too many deaths already. Also it would be weird seeing you change."

"And how do you think I feel about you changing. I know I've only known you for five days but it feels like I've known you longer."

Astrea turned her head and looked into the Doctor's eyes and saw a man that cared so much about others and had experienced a lot of pain. A small tear rolled down her cheek unnoticed.

"What's wrong?" The Doctor asked with concern.


"Your crying. What's wrong?" he asked again soothingly lifting his hand and wiping away the tear.

"Huh, so I am." she chuckled lightly. "Its just it's all so beautiful." she lied looking back up to the stars. She was thinking on how much she loved the Doctor and felt sympathetic for him thinking of everything he might have been through. Including the Time War.

The Doctor spoke in a soothing voice. "I know that's not it but if you don't want to say then that's OK."

The Doctor looked up and closed his eyes to think. A few minutes passed before he opened his eyes again. "Astrea."


The Doctor was dreading the response he'd get after what he is going to say. "I've only known you for a few days but I uh....I love you."

Astrea froze and held her breath for a few seconds. Did he just say what I think he said. She turned her head and replied with a smile on her face "I love you too and have done for the past few days."

The Doctor gave a sigh of relief and smiled back before leaning in and kissed her. When they kissed everything around them seemed to have melted away. They broke apart for breath and looked up at the stars again, holding hands, and stayed like that for the next few hours. The Doctor tilted his head to look at Astrea and found her asleep. He got up and lifted Astrea, putting her on the sunset coloured jump seat. He took off his tweed blazer and put it over her like a blanket. The Doctor kissed her forehead then left to go to his own TARDIS.

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