Josh x Reader

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You were so scared. So worried. What was Chris going to say to you when you told him his best friend had gotten you pregnant at only 19 years old? You could barley handle yourself and your dog, you would never be able to handle another living thing all by yourself.

"What am I gonna do Josh?" You let out in no more then a whisper, holding your head in your hands.

"Hey, listen, I'm not leaving you alone in this. I would never let you handle this by yourself, and even if I tried, I'm pretty sure Chris would track me down and beat my ass." He said walking over to you, rubbing your back in large comforting circles.

"How are two teenagers suppose to handle a baby?!? This is not going to work out! I still have schooling ahead of me, what am I gonna do, have a kid in college?" You replied, getting more frustrated with the situation.

You knew you couldn't handle a baby, it just wasn't for you. You hated kids, and you had no patience for their antics, but you just couldn't bring yourself to the other thing, you just couldn't.

"Listen, it will all work out. And if you've come to the conclusion that there's no way possible to have this kid, you can always..."

You cut him off before saying the unspeakable "Josh, I can't just kill someone like that. I can't end a life. That's not right, jut because of our stupidity."

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But whatever happens, please, don't be afraid to come to me. Remember this when I tell you, you are not alone, and never will be. I did this, and I'm going to take responsibility for something once in my life." He stood by you, holding your fragile body close to yours. You were relieved that you wouldn't have to do this alone, despite how bad situation was anyhow.

Just then, you heard the door knob turn, along with sound of locks turning to your front door. It was Chris, coming home because of the text that you sent him about the 'big news' you had for him.

You didn't know how he was going to react. He was already over protective of you, and when he found out you and Josh were sleeping with each other, he nearly ripped Josh's head off then, afraid of him breaking your heart.

"(Y/N)! I'm home! What did you want to tell me?" Chris yelled from downstairs, already sending your nerves shaking.

"Josh, I don't think I can do this." You whispered to Josh, not sure if you could face the music quite yet.

"We have to (Y/N), if we don't it's just going to make it worse." He assured you, gently urging you out of your room and down the steps to your brother.

"Bro? Didn't know you were here. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Chris asked, his innocent face laced with confusion.

His expression did nothing to calm your nerves, yet it just made you even more worried. You had no clue how he was going to take this, or what he was going to do to Josh.

"Chris, before we tell you anything, just remember to keep your cool, alright? I know how you get when you get really angry, just breathe, alright?" You eased yourself into the conversation, nothing jumping into to quickly.

"(Y/N), what's going on here? What's gonna get me that angry?" His confusion now mixed with worry and frustration, something you knew wasn't going to turn out well already.

You swallowed, opening your mouth to continue yet you just couldn't bring yourself to words. What was your next sentence, 'your best friend got me pregnant'?

Luckily Josh caught on to your worried expression, carrying on the conversation for you.

"Listen, Chris, you know me and (Y/N) have been messing around a little, and, we've gotten a little careless-"

"Josh, what are you trying to say?" Chris took a step toward, probably already coming to the conclusion of his worst fears.

Josh stepped back, holding his hands up in a manner of surrender.

"Chris, I'm pregnant." You blurted out the words, not being able to look him in the eye.

At first, he didn't react. His face just went white and you could see the conflict of all his mixed emotions brewing in his eyes. His fist clenched, making his knuckles turn a ghostly white, before starting to yell at Josh.

"How could you do this man! I told you to be careful! You got my little sister pregnant! Now what! Her life is ruined! She can't have, she has dreams she wanted to accomplish! You screwed her over man!" Chris yelled, raising his fists. He didn't dare to hit Josh though, quickly turning his punches to the wall.

You had never seen Chris this angry. He was rarely angry, but when he did get angry, he yelled and hit a few walls, but this was quite extensive.

"Fucking now what (Y/N)!?! Do you know what this means! You're responsible for another human being all by yourself!" He turned his attention towards you now.

"Chris, we didn't mean for this to happen! But I'm going to need your support if I'm going to get through this!" You begged him, wanting him working with you, not against you.

"No, no, no. Not with this one (Y/N). I've dealt with a lot of your shit, but this, this is huge. Life changing." He began shaking his head from side to side, not knowing what to do with you on this one.

"What do you want me to do Chris? Get an abortion! You're going to make me kill a baby? Is that really what you want?" You now stepped closer to him, getting in his face.

He began to calm down, realization setting in now. He began to process what he suggested you do.

"No, no, no. You- you can't kill a baby, you wouldn't want to do that, right?" He replied, his tone much softer now.

"When it comes down to it, I will if I have to. But I don't want to, no."

"Well, we have to talk to mom and dad, and see what they say. And if they think that...that's the best option, with your agreement....I mean, then yeah, that's what you'll do." He adjusted his glasses on his face and let out a breath, luckily much more calmer then before.

You started to think into this now. Tears pooled in your eyes, you didn't think you could live with killing a baby. No you didn't want kids, but what you were talking about right now was an all time low. As the tears ran down your face, Josh quickly came to your side.

"Josh I don't know what I'm going to do..." You sobbed. Chris watched with sorrow and a hint of guilt.

"It's all going to be okay, you don't have to make a decision now, we can take our time and decide what you want to do later okay. I'm gonna be here no matter what." Josh spoke softly to calm you down.

"Yeah (Y/N), I'm sorry for causing a seen. I know this isn't going to be easy on you, but we'll help you through it, no matter what you decide. And if you decide to keep it, then I'll make the best uncle ever." Chris also comforted you.

You felt a little better now, knowing you had the support from your brother.

"Thank you Chris, it means a lot. And you too Josh. I'm gonna think, and make the most sensible decision I think I can make, and we'll see what happens."

Wow, it's been long, hasn't it? My life has been changing, I've been discovering things that I didn't know about myself before, and I'm actually in recovery now for a few things that have been destroying me. I'm not gonna say I'm back for good, but I'm gonna try to finish up some stories I've been previously working on, and I'll fam it from there. Thanks for sticking around this long through thick and thin, and I hope to see you soon. Bye for now

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