Josh x Reader

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Trigger Warning: none

Sorry I had to drag you along tonight, I know that you'd rather be with your friends." Chris apologized to you for bringing you to his friends house, more like mansion, because he just picked you up from the airport.

"It's fine Chris, I rather be with my brother and his friends after not seeing him for months instead of not seeing him at all." You replied after getting out of the car into the icy air. You rubbed your hands together, not used to the cold being a student at a university in Florida. You stood in front of the gigantic house, taking in the sight with wide eyes.

While observing, Chris came up from behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder while chuckling.

"I know, it's quite the sight to behold, but wait until you see the inside." He continued as he walked over to the large twin doors placed in the center of the house.

Diverting your eyes from the house, you followed Chris to the front door, who was now pulling out a key.

"You have a key to your friend's mansion?"

"(Y/N), he's my best bro. Of course I have a key to his house."

You chuckled at your brothers words. He always over used the term 'bro' and you expected to here it a lot more tonight.

You knew all of them, but not very closely. You recalled being introduced to them before heading off to Florida to pursue your dream of becoming a Marine biologist. They all seemed like nice people, Emily being a little moody, but you knew that if you got to know her she would've warmed up.

As your mind filed through its thoughts trying to sort out who's name went to which person, Chris finally opened the door.

"Welcome to my best bro's humble abode." He held his arms out to the entrance, bowing as he let you in.

"You're really something Chris." You laughed before wiping your boots on the welcome mat and entering inside.

Glaring around, you were astonished by what you saw, double staircases leading up stairs and a large crystal chandelier on the high ceiling.

"Bro, Cochise! You're early!" You turned your head to the man coming in from the other room, holding a beer in his hands.

You recognized his face from last year before heading off to Florida, as well as from all the pictures Chris had sent you while being away. This must've been the 'best bro' he was always talking about, and if you recalled correctly, his name was Josh.

His drunken smile soon turned to a surprised grin upon seeing you.

"You didn't tell me you were bringing a pretty lady along." He went up to Chris, elbowing him slightly in the side, giving you a mischievous grin.

You silently chuckled to yourself, it being obvious he already had a little to much drink.

Chris quickly elbowed him harder into his side, signaling he should stop with the comments before they got out of hand.

"Josh, this is my sister, (Y/N). You remember her from last year, before she went to college in Florida, right? She's back for winter break, so please treat her right." Chris replied, mumbling the last part between his teeth.

"It's fine Chris, don't let me get in the way of your fun."

Josh winked at you, making you laugh.

"So what did you have planned for tonight bro?"

"Well we were just gonna play some call of duty but it you want, we can watch some movies, and maybe do something a little more fun afterwards..." Josh replied suggestively.

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