Matt x Reader

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Trigger Warning: slightly graphic, swearing

You were deep in the mines with Matt and Jess, trying to hide from that creature following you. But there was no way it was letting you off the hook easily, and without anything to distract it, there was no way of it leaving you alone. You knew what you had to do. You had to be the brave person you always were.

"Hey, Matt, you go and take Jess to the right path. I'm gonna go explore the left." You tried to sound as casual as possible.

"What? Are you crazy (Y/N)? There's no way I'm letting you go alone. We're not splitting up."

You were afraid that he was going to say that. He was going to be protective and try to save both you and Jess, but you knew deep down, there was no way of that happening in her condition.

"Listen Matt, something needs to distract that thing so it won't come back to you two. It might as well be me."

"We're all getting out here alive, so stop talking like that and follow me."

He grabbed your arm and pulled you along, yet you just held your ground and sighed.

"Matt, I'm just gonna go down the other path and hide down there for a while. Once you get out, hide somewhere outside so I can find you. Please, get Jess out of here alive." You assured him.

He sighed, not wanting to fight you now. He didn't have the strength to argue, especially when you heard the screeches getting louder behind you.

He looked at you with longing eyes, his hand still squeezing yours tightly.

"(Y/N), please come back. I don't want this to be the last time I'll ever talk to you." His voice cracked while he talked, scared for your life.

You stood on your tippy-toes and gently pressed your lips against his, despite the fact that he was still with Emily. She wouldn't mind if you never made it out alive, at least you figured.

His eyes were still coated with worry, but you just gave him the best smile you could muster and said "I don't plan on dieing yet, so don't worry." before walking off the other path.

Walking slowly down the path in silence, you listened to the dripping of water. Your heart was thumping against your chest and you wished for nothing more right now then to be by Matt's side.  

You took deep breaths and gave yourself inspirational words.

"Come on (Y/N), you can do've gotta get back to Matt.."

You continued furthered into the mines, with not much happening until your heard the loud screech coming from behind you. 

"Aww fuck!" You silently cursed to yourself, now picking up your speed.

But this thing was way to fast for you. Before you could say another word, your head was in its grasp and you were immobilized.

"NOOOOOOO!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

The creature only screamed back, shoving its claws through your throat. It ripped through your spine, tearing through the bundle of nerves at the center of it, cutting off all of your emotions to the outside world. You weren't all that upset to be gone now, mostly because you knew that you had saved your two best friends.

~ Third Person

You told him to wait, to keep Jess safe. You promised him that you would be okay, that you were just going to distract the creature chasing them, and that you "didn't plan on dying yet." It felt like hours passed while he waited for you to come back, standing still in the same hiding spot so you could find them easily. He was so optimistic, so hopeful that you'd make it back okay, that you'd be safe. But all of that came crashing down when he heard you screaming, your cries of fear. His heart dropping when he heard the blood curdling pain in your voice.

Gritting his teeth, his own anger overpowered his sorrow. His heart raced, his entire body trembled at the thought of you gone forever. He was angry towards him, for not doing a better job of convincing you to stay. Angry that he failed to protect you. He was such an idiot for thinking that this was going to turn out any other way, for any other outcome then your death, but he still let you go. He now knows that he should've just picked you up and kept going, forcing you to stick together, but he didn't, and now he will never hear your sweet laugh again, he will never see your shining smile once in his life.

Jess whimpered to herself, trembling in fear, still trying to stay calm. Trying to reassure herself that you were okay, that it was all part of your plan. Your plan to distract...whatever it was out there, from her and Matt. And after hearing your pained screams echo against the cave walls, Jess found it harder to compose herself, feeling like she was on the verge of tears. She couldn't help feel like this was her fault, if it wasn't for her, then you wouldn't of had to go and distract it. Hugging her jacket around her tighter, she pressed herself closer to Matt, desperately seeking comfort.

"M-Matt..." she whispered, her throat burning from the simple action.

" (Y/N)...okay?" she asked.

He didn't answer right away, his jaw clenched. Instead, he gripped her hand as gently as he could, guiding her away from the hiding spot and through the forest. His silence was the best answer she was going to get out of him, no matter how much she hated it. Bottom lip trembling, she couldn't stop the tears from falling, choking back small sobs.

You were gone, they would never see you again, and it was just so they could make it out alive. They would both make sure that everyone knew about your heroic actions, and your death would not go unnoticed.  They had to accept the fact that you were gone, no matter how much they wanted to deny it. You were gone, and it was all for them, your best friend and for the one who you wanted to be a little more then a friend.

Hope you enjoyed everyone, made this one really depressing as well. I was deciding on either to make it happy were then reader lived, or sad were the reader died, and I made them die, so if you want an alternative ending, just ask and I'll write another! Cya loves soon, luv ya 💗😘

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