A Reminder Of You.

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Kagura smiled as she watched her son from the kitchen window interact with his friends, running around the garden.

A smile resembling one of his father as he ran around with a cloak she was certain he had stole from his father's wardrobe, draped over his shoulders shrouding his small body, the Sabertooth insignia standing out, white contrasting against black, proudly on the left shoulder.

"Natsu don't touch the cake!" the blonde celestial spirit mage scolded her husband, slapping him on the back of his head.

"But we're hungry, right Happy?"

"Aye sir!"

Looking over her shoulder Kagura had to remind herself just why she had invited them. Because they're family of course, that and she was certain her son wouldn't forgive her if she didn't invite her favourite uncle Natsu.

Sting and Gajeel weren't impressed they were playing second best.

"Can you three shut up and make yourself useful, help with the decorations!" Erza spoke, her dominant voice silencing all of them. Shooting them a glare from the ladder she was standing on, in the process of hanging a birthday banner up.

"Yes ma'am!" the couple and their exceed said in unison, cowering in fear as they went about blowing up the remainder of the balloons before they ended up suffering at the hands of the terrifying requip mage.

Letting out an amused 'hmph' Kagura made her way around the kitchen, placing out various foods Mira had ever so generously made to help out with the party - plus it wasn't like anyone could say no to the takeover mage without upsetting her, causing her to cry. Either that or you suffer at the demon form, and nobody wanted that, not even Kagura.

She couldn't believe her little boy was turning six today, it feeling just like yesterday she held his small frame in her arms, only a few minutes old. His father snuggled close to her as they both looked down at their new bundle of joy.

Now here he was, six years old and becoming more independent day by day.

Her little baby was not so little anymore.

The mother felt a pang of sadness flow through her at the thought of her son not needing her as much as he used to, instantly expecting her husbands warm embrace to comfort her and tell her that their son will always need them, no matter how old he was.

But she didn't receive it, remembering that he was due to be back soon, within the next hour or so.

Sting had requested for Rogue to accompany him on a job, saying it would be complete in no time and would be home to celebrate his sons birthday.

Feeling several taps on her back, the gravity control mage turned around to come face to face with her son.

It still took her by surprise every time she looked at him, the resemblance to his father uncanny - even at a young age.

Everything about him just screamed a reminder at just who his father was, the shadow dragon slayer of Sabertooth.

From the shape of his face to his personality; Ryos was a quiet child - until he was around his friends, he soon livened up in the presence of them - along with a certain poise and elegance he carried himself with, once again a trait he had gained from his father.

Raven coloured hair rested just above his shoulders, messy and slightly unkempt. A small tuft of it covering his right eye, resembling his fathers.

'I want my hair just like dads!' she'd hear him say whenever she took him to get his hair cut.

The child often even asked his mother to put his hair up in a ponytail - as you guessed - to look like his father. Kagura would nod, proceeding to do so, only then to have him complain that she 'couldn't do it like dad could' causing her to huff and throw the hair brush at Rouge - who would be observing his wife and child, arms crossed over his chest with a smirk on his face - telling him to do it before stomping off to do the laundry.

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