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"How's it going champ?" Yellow eyes taunted. "Are you finding your way around here alright? It kinda looks like you're already making a mess of yourself."

Dean bit the inside of his cheek while the taste of vomit tainted his mouth. He wanted to gag again but there was nothing left for him to throw up. Dean forced himself to straighten up. He did his best to fight through the ache in his chest and the nausea swirling around in his stomach. He did his best to look past yellow eyes, but no matter how hard he tried, the demon was still visible from the corner of his eye. Dean wiped sweat from his brow with the back of his hand as he realized just how drained he felt. He had no energy left to fight. Puking up what little food he had consumed was making the matter worse. Being sick and hurt combined with a lack of food and sleep was a recipe for disaster. Dean honestly wasn't sure how he was still standing after all this.

"Awe, come on, are you just gonna ignore me now?" the demon teased, trying to move closer so Dean could see him better. "What happened to all that rage and anger from last night?"

"Go away," Dean growled, turning away angrily and picking up his dropped supplies. He tried his best to retain what little dignity he had left.

"Now that wouldn't be any fun, would it?" Yellow Eyes sneered. "Who would keep you company then?"

Dean ignored him and turned to walk in the opposite direction. He would make his way back to the river. Maybe there would be somewhere he could sleep around there. Mentally, Dean wished that telling a spirit or a demon to fuck off would actually work like it did in the movies. Unfortunately, the tragedy that Dean called life was anything but a movie. This hell was all too real.

"Oh, so we're playing the silent game?" a dark chuckle came from somewhere behind Dean. "I was never very good at that game. Apparently, neither was your mother."

Dean balled his fists in fury; his adrenaline began pumping through his body. Any talk of his mother made Dean beyond furious. He didn't like to think about what he lost, especially when it was coming from the very monster that had killed her. Dean even got snippy when Sam started asking questions about mom.

"Oh, come on Dean, if you would have heard her you would have known it was her time to go anyways."

"I did hear her," Dean hissed through clenched teeth. He could no longer stay silent as rage bubbled inside of his chest.

"Oh hang on, so you're telling me that talking about how I killed dear old mummy is what will get you to talk to me? I like it." There was venom in Yellow Eyes words as he spoke. "It's so deliciously cruel and evil."

"Leave me the hell alone!" Dean roared whipping around and facing the demon as his eyes glinted evilly.

"Well if you insist..." He hummed, a smirk crossing his face. The demon shrugged and added, "I guess I can give Sammy and dear daddy a visit instead."

With the blink of an eye, Yellow Eyes was gone.

Dean's eyes widened with horror and fear as he thought of his family. 'Oh no, what did I just do? He gonna kill them!' Dean thought to himself.

In a panic, Dean began screaming for the demon to return. He ignored the rawness of his throat as his distraught voice rang through the empty forest air. Dean screamed until he was blue in the face as fear pressed him forward. He had to keep the rest of his family safe. Dean would lose Yellow Eyes a hundred times over if it meant keeping Sam and dad out of harm's way.

"Well, that got a wonderful response!" Yellow Eyes said, appearing behind Dean and scaring the shit out of him. "You're reaction time was a little bit slow, though. I could have killed the both of them already and you couldn't have done a thing about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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