Eyes in the Night

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"Well hey there champ," Yellow eyes taunted. "Long time no see. Last time I saw you I believe you a lot younger and uh... well, I remember it being a pretty fiery evening, to say the least."

"You sick son of a bitch," Dean roared as he felt anger build up inside of him. His heart was pounding against his fractured ribs.

Dean ignored his pain and exhaustion adrenaline coursed through his system. He lunged at the demon furiously, hungry to kill the monster that had ruined his life. Nothing else mattered right now; he had to get Yellow Eyes before it was too late. Dean's fingers grazed across its skin and he tried to curl his fingers around the demon's neck. However, before he could get a strong enough grasp, Yellow Eyes vanished into thin air and let Dean crumple painfully onto the stone floor of the cave.

Dean cried out as his pain blossomed across his kneecaps. That was just what he needed, more marks and bruises coating his body. Dean had thrown his hands down in the fall and they were now stinging from the impact. He could feel the warm sensation of blood trickling from the deep scrapes gouged into his palms. His breathing became harsh as he tried to calm himself, ribs smarting and aching against the movement. The pain of impact had momentarily brought Dean back to his senses.

'Did I just imagine that Yellow Eyes was here?' he asked himself. Dean was looking around wildly, trying to see if the demon had just moved too fast for him to comprehend or if this was all just a hallucination.

"Now Dean is that the way your mummy taught you to act?" the same voice mocked. "Oh wait, that's right, I burned her before she could teach you manners."

Dean's head whipped around to find the source of the voice. Dean bared his teeth glared at the demon when his eyes landed on the beast. Apparently, he hadn't been hallucinating because Yellow Eyes was lounging lazily on the ground in the same place he had been sleeping not thirty seconds ago.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Dean growled, his voice was flat and cold, filled with pure hatred.

The demon's eyes flashed in excitement as he said, "Oh are you now? Then why don't you come do it."

Dean curled his fingers around the rock in his hand, waiting for the perfect moment. With a lightning quick snap, Dean lifted his arm and hurled it at Yellow Eyes. He hoped the rock would provide a brief distraction so he could attack the demon and catch him off guard.

However, Dean's plan didn't work out quite the way he had hoped. He figured that it was a long shot. Dean watched as the demon easily dodged the rock. While the rock clattered along the cave floor Dean lunged. Once again, Yellow Eyes disappeared before Dean was able to reach him.

"Aw don't tell me that John let his boys get soft. I thought he was supposed to train you and your brother. Here I was thinking I might actually need to fight back instead of watching you have a temper tantrum," Yellow Eyes taunted him.

Dean wanted to scream. This was the first time in 12 years that he actually crosses paths with his mother's killer and he found himself alone and totally defenseless.

"You're right about being defenseless, but are you sure it's been twelve years Dean?" Yellow eyes sneered menacingly. "Hmm, well, that would make you about sixteen but you seem to be throwing a tantrum like a four-year-old."

Dean expression shifted from a look of anger into a look of horror. He watched as Yellow Eye's evil grin grew even bigger when he saw the fear on Dean's face. There was no way that Yellow Eyes could hear what he was thinking. That was impossible. He shouldn't be able to do that.

"Shouldn't but can," the demon cackled wickedly. "You of all people should know that anything is possible."

"Get the fuck out of my head you bottom feeding scum," Dean roared as he jumped at Yellow Eyes again. Like he expected, the demon vanished a third time and appeared in a new spot location seconds later.

Skies of Fireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें