six:: girl meets fro-yo

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Riley's POV:
I got of the bus and we were directed to our cabin. Farkle being a gentleman rolled both of our suitcases while I opened the cabins door. From the outside it looked pretty big. I unlocked the door then "Wow" me and Farkle said together. I looked over at him for a second and he looked at me while I scanned the room with my eyes. "This place is amazing!!" I said. "Come one hurry up lets unpack so we can have some fun." We rolled our suitcases over to the beds. I unpacked quickly. So did Farkle. "Hey I'm gonna shower real quick and then we can fo grab a bite" "Sure" said Farkle. I grabbed a towel and the clothes I was gonna wear and my makeup and curling iron. I quickly hoped in the shower and about 15 minutes later I came out. I put on my light blue shirt with my big patterned skirt and my black boots. I did my makeup simple. Light pink eyeshadow, slight eyeliner, light pink lipgloss and curled my eyelashes and a thick layer of mascara. I plugged in my curling iron and dried my hair in the meanwhile. "DONE" I hear Farkle say. "What are you done with!?" I screamed not opening the door. "With the paper. I finished the research and wrote it" "YAY Farkle now we can relax and have fun for the next few days!" "My point exactly". Afterwards I curled my hair and turned off the curling iron.

Farkle's POV:
After Riley hoped in the shower I quickly changed into my red and grey shirt and put on a black jacket, black pants and my shoes. I quickly found a book about Texas and their city's and landmarks, grabbed my computer and next thing I know I was done! I heard the door from the bathroom open. Woah! Riley looked spectacular. "Wow Riley you look..gorgeous" "Thanks you don't look to bad yourself" she said winking. "So where should we go?" she asked. "I heard there's a great frozen yogurt place a few block's away from here" "What are we waiting for? Come on let's go!" she said. I was about to open the door when she stopped me.

Riley's POV:
I needed to tell Farkle. Now or never. "Farkle wait!" I saw him turn around quickly. "I need to tell you something" "Riley I need to tell you something too." "You go first" she said. "Ever since the first grade I've loved you. You are so pretty, nice, unique, outgoing, confident and so much more." I tried not to blush but I couldn't help it. Farkle grabbed both of my hands and said "Riley I like you" Yes! Know I knew I could tell him to! I squeezed his hands a little. He hadn't let go which made me realize he wouldn't either. I looked down at our hands and back up to him. "That's good Farkle." His smile turned into a frown. "Because I like you too" His adorable smile came back up in his face. "Are we...boyfriend and girlfriend?"
I stared into his eyes. I remembered all my wonderful memories with Farkle. Every time he's ever been there for me, been super sweet, has called "pretty" or "beautiful".
"Yes Farkle" "What about Maya and Lucas?" "Oh boy do I have a story for you, come on we can discuss it over fro-yo." I grabbed Farkle's hand and he held back. Everything finally felt right. Maya and Lucas were happy together and so were Me and Farkle. We no longer had to hope or dream. Because we were all together and happy.

Sorry for the short chapter but
Happy New Years Everybody
So the next chapter will be Maya's and Lucas's date and Riley and Farkle's Date because I feel like crambing both dates un one just cause i dont feel like writing two chapters.
So Maya and Lucas and Farkle and Riley are happy together.
For now.
(im evil bahaha)

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