three:: girl meets packing

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Maya's POV:
I was really not looking forward to this dumb trip. Now I have to be extremely careful. After school I walked home and looked in my closet for a bag or suitcase. "Hey mom I need you to sign this permission slip for a school field trip" "Okay honey leave it on the counter for me to sign it later" Maya put the permission slip on the kitchen counter. Maya finally found a purple suitcase while searching the closet. She dragged the suitcase out and rolled it to her room. She threw the suitcase onto the bed not looking forward to next week. Yet she had a weird sensation that she couldn't put a finger on. She took out all her favorite tops, jeans and shoes. I finally picked out 3 outfits and 2 pairs of shoes. I choose my grey frindged shirt with the american flag on it and to go along with the shirt a pair of ripped shorts paired with her cowgirl boots. My next outfit was a white lace summer dress with a jean vest which would pair perfectly with her cowgirl boots. Lastly a brown-ish oversized sweater. Yes I am aware I'm going to Texas! But I get cold easily. With a whie shirt and pair of black leggings and my favorite black boots. Great I'm finally packed. I feel like I'm forgetting something but whatever. I got everything else I needed like socks, underwear, a toothbrush, my hairbrush, perfume and lastly I out my favorite brown teddy bear. Yeah I know it seemed ridiculous but I could never sleep without him.
I wasn't waiting till the last minute to pack. I wanted to get over with it. But I still wasn't over Lucas.

Lucas's POV:
I ran straight home so excited for the Texas trip. "MOM!MOM!" I said busting through the door like a linebacker. "Yes sweetie?" my mom asked. "I need you to sign this permission slip! Look we're where going!" "Oh honey I know why your excited but why are you brighter than the sun?" "Because I get to go with Maya" I said in the lowest voice possible. "Oh what's that honey I didn't catch that" my mom said. "Nothing" She passed me the signed permission slip. "Okay sweetie you should start packing so you have everything prepared. I ran to my room and picked out 4 pairs of shirts and 4 pairs of pants and my black shoes. Even though we were only staying for 3 days I decided to bring extra clothes. Just in case. I packed a red flannel shirt with a pair of black jeans, a blue v-neck shirt whith blue pants and a blue and green plaid shirt with dark blue jeans. And as extra a dark green shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. Lastly I packed other things such as cologne, pajamas, socks, etc.
I was definitely ready. Ready to admit my feelings to Maya.

Riley's POV:
This was my moment. I wanted to come clean to Farkle, to tell him the truth. I got home and gave my permission slip to my mom. "Hi sweetie hiw was school?" "AMAZING" " Glad to see you in a good mood" my mom said while smiling. "Here" I said while passing her the permission slip. "Wow! Texas! Riley I'm not sure..-" "But mom.." I said while making a pouty face. "Okay, Okay Riley you can go" "YES!" "But on one condition, you must call every night." "Yeah, yeah bye mom I have to start packing"
I went into my closet and browsed through my all my clothes. I wanted to choose my best looking clothes to impress Farkle. I finally settled on three outfits. My favorite purple dress with flowers, my light blue shirt with my pattern skirt and lastly a pink flowy summer dress. And my tall black boots that match with anything. I packed anything else I needed such as perfume, socks, pajamas and other stuff like that. I cared so much about Farkle. He was like no boy I've ever met. He was special. I was ready to tell Farkle I liked him.

Farkle's POV:
After school I made my way back to my house. On the outside I seemed calm but on the inside I felt like bursting with joy and wanting to explode with happiness. "Mom can you sign my field trip permission slip?" "Whatever you need son" said my Mon. He quickly signed it and gave it back. "Thanks Mom" I said. "No problem, love you kiddo." I ran to my room and choose my best outfits to impress Riley. Everyday I dreamt off her. Her wonderful smile lit up my day. I packed my black shirt, black jeans and my black beanie. Next I packed my grey and red shirt with a black vest and black pants. Lastly a red shirt with a black jacket and and black skinny jeans. I was ready to impress Riley. I was ready to admit my feelings.

Their going to be happy in the end.
Their hoping.


Sooo I updated today...
With 850+ words
I'm going to update tommorow aswell because I thought of good idea's for the story
So get ready for part 4 tommorow
Tomorrow are the goodbyes and stops at Texas.

Hoping And DreamingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt