four::girl meets trip

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Picture Above: The Type Of Bus They Traveled On

Time Skip: 1 Week

Maya's POV:
Great. Today was the day of our field trip. To be honest I'm excited that I get to spend three days with Lucas but dreading writing 10 pages of information and I would also really miss Riley. I got my suitcase and rolled it over to Riley's house. I was putting the suitcase in before me through Riley's window.

Riley's POV:
I see Maya struggling to put her suitcase in through my window so I run over to help her. "Peaches are you okay" I ask. "Yeah it's just hard getting around places with this dumb suitcase." "Okay let me just get my suitcase and we can head to school" "Okay" Maya said.

Riley and Maya walked to school and met up with Lucas and Farkle.

Mr. Matthews told everyone to find their partner for the bus.

Luca's POV:
"Maya! Maya! I'm over here" I said. Maya started walking over to me. "Hey Huckleberry you ready?" "I'm 75% sure." I answered. "I don't know why but I feel like im forgetting something but whatever."

"Okay students everyone in two lines. You and you partner sit together on the bus" Mr. Matthews said.

Maya's POV:
Everyone started boarding the bus. Me and Lucas sat at the end of the bus with Riley and Farkle. Lucas sat by the window and I was near the isle. To my left was Riley by the isle and next to her was Farkle by the window. "Scotch over Lucas your taking up all the arm space" I said pushing his arm aside. I couldnt help but stare at his muscles. They were so big. Dammit Lucas stop distracting me with your muscular arms. Lucas I guess heard me and moved over a bit.
I turned towards Riley. "You excited?" I asked. "Duh who wouldn't be!" I looked over at Lucas who was staring out the window looking at the people putting everyones bags and suitcases into the bottom of the bus. I leaned over next to him. "Whatcha doing Lucas" "Oh just seing what they are doing" I looked over but out of the corner of my eye I could see him staring at me. "Stop" I said lightly punching him on the arm. I relaxed backed into my seat. The bus doors shut and we were hitting the road.

Time Skip: (I dont really know) I woould say about 3-4 hours.

Riley's POV:
Throughout the entire bus drive it was pretty boring. I fell asleep on Farkle's shoulder that I hadn't even noticed until I felt someone shaking me. It was Farkle. I didn't mind if he waked me up.
"Riley this is our stop wake up we have to go" "What.." I saud wiping my eyrs abd trying to adjust to the brightness. "But I dont wanna go.." I said closing my eyes again. "You can sleep in the cabin" Farkle said. "Okay, fine" I said getting up. I got up and saw Maya sleeping on Lucas's shoulder and he had his head on her head. "They looked liked such a cute couple. But me and Farkle were going just like that pretty soon" I said smirking.
I shoock Maya awake.
"IM UP!IM UP!" Maya said jumping up.
Maya boonked her head with Lucas's. "OWW!" they said in unison. Dear god that looked like that hurt. "Maya this is my stop. I have to go" I said while giving her a hug. "Text me every morning and night!" she said. I looked over at Lucas who was rubbing his forehead. "Bye Lucas" I said. "Bye Riley have fun!" he said while waving. I walked down the isle and behind me was Farkle. I could see him giving Maya and Lucas a hug. "BYE PEACHES!" I screamed while getting off the bus. "Love you Riles!" I heard Maya scream. I got off the bus and started looking for me and Farkle's suitcase. I finally found our suitcases. A woman got off with us and directed us to our cabin.

Maya's POV:
Okay so who would Lucas react after our "collision". Would he be weirded out or... "Are you okay Lucas?" "Yeah I'm fine that just caught me off guard." "Why did you have you head on mine?" "Why did you have your on my shoulder?" he said. "Nevermind" I carefully stood up looking around the bus and saw that we were the last people on the bus. I held on to the seat and kept looking around the bus. And guess what happened next? The bus hit a speed bump. And I went flying into Lucas's lap. "Soo shortie are you falling for me or what?" he said smirking. "Shutup" I said trying to get up. He helped me get up. I felt uncomfortable because he grabbed my waist and I sat back down. "Hey kids another 30 minutes till we reach Austin by the way I'm Larry." said the bus driver (larry). We both got up and sat all the way up in front by the door. "You guys make a cute couple" he said. "Oh were not-" "Dating" finished Lucas. "Is it complicated?" he said. "No were just not together" I said. I heard Lucas mumble something but I couldn't hear what he said.

Lucas's POV:
"No were just not together" said Maya. "For now" I mumbled. "What?" she asked. "Nothing".
"Were here" said the Larry as he pulled over to our cabin. "I'll get the bags" said Maya scooting over me. She ran down and I could see her pulling out her suitcase. I was about to get off when Larry stopped me. "Hey..." "Lucas" I answered."Do you like that girl?" he said pointing to Maya. I could see her putting her gorgeous blonde hair behind her ear. "Maya" "Do you like Maya?" he said. "Yeah but I dont think she feels the same way.." "Trust me kid, she likes you. You should probably make the best of this situation and tell her your real feelings." "Thanks for your advice Larry, I'm gonna listen to it." "No problem Lucas". I got off the bus and Maya had both of our suitcases out. We stepped back as the bus drove off. We turned around and saw the nicest cabin we've ever seen. I could see Maya struggling to pull her suitcases handle up. "Here let me try" I said. I easily pulled up the handle. "Show-off" she said and lightly punched my arm. Was Larry right? Did Maya like me? The next thing she did made me feel amazing. She took my hand and pulled me towards the cabin. "Come on Lucas! I want to see the cabin" I grabbed her hand back and walked with her cautious that I wouldn't hit her with my suitcase.

Maya's POV:
Dear god what have I done. Lucas probably thinks I'm crazy. I grabbed his hand. Please let him forget that! Either way I was excited to see the cabin.

Lucas's POV:
I grabbed our suitcases and put them next to us. I grabbed the key from the orange envelope every group had received with keys, and instructions, rules and we're were things located. I unlocked the door.
"Whoa" me and Maya said in unison.

Whoa guys!
1,200+ words
The next chapter will be the cabin and their first time "researching" the city.
Then the next next chapter will be Riley and Farkles night out.
I want to keep Lucaya and Riarkle seperated in each chapter so in total there will be about 12-15 chapters
Maya and Lucas run into some trouble.
And so do Farkle and Riley.

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