19 years old

699 14 4

I'm 19 years old finally journal and I know that I never wrote this like an actual dairy but this is for mom. Over the years that I didn't write. It was amazing. I had my first kiss and break up. It's wasn't so bad because dad threatin to kick he butt then so did uncle Fin and Pops.
Mom has taken over as caption and Pops retired. Dad is still just a detective but he doesn't have a partner. I'm still the little girl I was when they saved me. Every night we go through the thing where we all tuck Gigi and then mom and dad tuck me and tell me a story. Mainly about how mom saved dad from getting shot.  
Lexi is not a puppy anymore. She sleeps with Gigi every night . Gigi is 6 years old and mom is about to turn 50. I am parting with you here but before I go I want to thank you for being with me though the journey of how I was saved from the horrible life before. Now I give you to mom as a birthday present so she will now everything about my journey through life as a SVU Kid.
(Not part of the Journel)
"Here mom my present for you," I said handing her the wrapped up dairy.
"Little one you didn't have to get me anything." She said hugging me.
She opened and was shocked at the old, beat journal. "Oh baby what is this?"
"Open it mama." 
She opened it and looked at me.
"All this time you were writing in a journal?"
"Yeah read to the end and you will see."
She hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I love you mama. Happy Birthday."
I want to thank every one for being here with me through this story even though it took three years. If you ever want another story like this message me.

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