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A few weeks past I was feeling better but my only problem was I was still in a coma.
Everyone visited me. even Gigi. I miss that Rugrat. I could feel moms hands always in my hand or on my face. she kept telling me things she loved about me. she only left once and that was to take a shower.
One day mom was crying and her head was on my stomach. I had to move to show her I was alright that she doesn't need to cry anymore. I was screaming at myself "you got to move."

I forced my eyes open. I put the hand that wasn't being held by mom on her head. she looked up and saw me staring at her.
"Hey mama."
"Hey baby girl how you feeling."
"My head hurts cause of the lights".
She went and turn the lamp on but turned off the lights. She came back and set on the bed beside me.
"Mama will lay down with me?"
"Yeah baby scotch over."
I lay there wrapped up in my moms arms and just sleep. While she is tuning my back and repeating
"I love you. I am so happy your ok."

Svu kidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora