Chapter 1: Baby

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"Can I see it again, please?"

Jessica hands Bela the android tablet from the back seat as Baby speeds down the darkened highway. Dean's black 1967 Chevy Impala hardtop purrs as Ruby steps on the gas a little.

Bela taps the play icon on the handheld computer and the now familiar video begins to play again.

Sam and Dean are investigating an old warehouse. They don't appear to know that they're being filmed. Sam looks up when he thinks he hears something. "Did you hear that, Dean?" he asks. "Hear what?" Dean asks back. Suddenly, Sam is engulfed by magical lightning and disappears in a puff of smoke. "Sam!" Dean shouts and runs to the spot where his brother disappeared. The older Winchester looks about with a wild look in his eye. "Sammie!" he shouts again. Dean then notices that he's being filmed. "What are you doing here?" he asks the person filming. "Did you do this?" he shouts. "Answer me!" The video then flashes white and Dean is lying on the ground. It's not known if he's breathing or not.

Bela places the tablet on her lap and looks out the window lost in thought.

"How far did Crowley say this joint was again?" Ruby asks.

"We're still a good thirteen hours from Toledo, Ohio," Jessica answers. "Just drive as long as you can and we'll switch off with you."

"I'll be alright. I don't need much sleep," Ruby replies with a little smile.

"Well I do. It's already been six hours; I'm exhausted," Jessica says with a yawn. "How about you, Bela?"

Bela snaps back to the present. "Sorry? What?" she replies in her soft English accent.

"Nothing. By the way, we never asked you how you... you know... died."

Bela looks away again. "Hell Hounds," she says softly. "I learned not to make deals with demons the hard way. What about you two?"

"Knife," Ruby chirps up. "I had a little... misunderstanding with the Winchesters."

"Demon killed me with fire," says Jessica. "Ruby, what do you mean you had a little misunderstanding? Sam was one of the most wonderful men I ever knew. He must have had a good..."

Ruby interrupts her. "I'm really not up for talking about it. Sorry."

Bela continues looking out the window. "Fair enough." She turns to Jessica and studies her for a moment. "You two were close then? You and Sam?"

Jessica feels her eyes begin to moisten a little and manages a nod. "Yes. We talked about getting married one day, actually. This was years ago, mind you, but... yes. I loved him." She chokes back her emotions and clears her throat. "What about you and Dean? Were you close?"

A smile creeps across Bela's face as she remembers her time with the Winchester boys. "I think so. I'm pretty sure Dean has a new woman for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but... yeah. We had a lot of passion. I mean, we fought a lot. A lot a lot, actually, but that was all part of the attraction between us."

Jessica understands and slowly nods. "I can see that. I didn't know Dean that well, but I recognize the passion you're talking about. How 'bout it, Ruby? Team Dean or team Sam?"

Ruby takes a long time to think the question over. Finally, she takes a deep breath. "I had sex with Sam."

Bela's eyes grow wide and she shoots Jessica a look. Jessica feels as though she was just slapped in the face with a brick. Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out.

Ruby arches her neck and to look into the rear-view mirror. She locks eyes with the woman in the back seat. "Sorry," she says quietly. "You're right though. Sam is a pretty special guy."

Jessica clears her throat again and desperately tries to change the subject. "OK, so what do we know so far? Crowley gets emailed a link to a video and is directed to mail tank tops, shorts, and alcohol to the motel we all met at."

Bela nods in agreement. "Yes, and Sam and Dean have been missing for about a week. Crowley said he didn't see any clues at the scene, but he was able to drive Baby back to meet us at the motel."

Ruby tosses in her two cents again. "And don't forget the part where we all suddenly appeared naked in that stupid motel in the first place!"

Bela and Jessica exchange looks. "We decided to never speak about that. Ever," Bela says in a firm tone.

"Man, I put those clothes on so fast..." Jessica mumbles to herself.

Ruby laughs out loud. "Well, I was glad for the booze. You guys are so funny!"

Bela rolls her eyes and reaches into the glove compartment. "Let's see what the boys have for music. I can't believe they still listen to tape cassettes." She fishes out a handful of the plastic cases. "Nine. Dean owns nine whole albums. How do they not go insane with so little variety?"

Ruby shrugs. "He's a funny one."

Jessica lies down on the back seat with a little sigh. "Put one on, will ya? A little music would be nice."

Bela opens the Kansas case and pops in the cassette. 'Carry on Wayward Son' begins blaring out the speakers. Smiles cross the women's faces as Baby speeds onward into the darkness.

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