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"You're a minute early" Klaus chuckled, his voice echoing throughout the whole basement "it's nice to see you have still retained some of the old Elijah's punctuality"

Klaus turned around "although you are looking a little bit het up; you might need to brush your hair" klaus motioned, pretending to brush his own hair with his fingers

Elijah growled "you think you are so so special, don't you Niklaus?" It was more of a rhetorical question "you always have to get in the middle of everything that makes me happy. Tatia, Celeste, I even left Lottie to attempt to control you, Gia? Hayley? Everybody"

Klaus didn't really have anything else to say to that. He would disagree and begin to fight his corner but Elijah, despite having a parasite in his head, was actually right. "I" klaus couldn't push any words out, he didn't know what to reply

"You can't speak, because it's true" Elijah shook his head in amusement "and not one apology had been made to me over the course of a millennium"

"Elijah you know I am sorry" Klaus began, he never really apologised before, it felt strange and it didn't feel all that satisfying

"Sorry isn't good enough, sorry is too late" Elijah hissed back "and when I kill you; I'm getting Lottie and we are leaving, leaving you to rot in the ground, leaving New Orleans, leaving anything supernatural"

"You can't run away from what you both are, Elijah" Klaus spoke but to Elijah, it just sounded like muffled words that he just didn't have the energy to listen to.

"Where's your little witch?" Elijah leant his shoulder against a dusty brick wall and began to ask his own questions "there's nobody here to protect the great and almighty hybrid, Niklaus"

Klaus didn't speak. He couldn't speak; just desperation filled his pale face, he didn't admit it most of the time, he didn't like to but he has always needed his brother by his side, for if not then he is useless. Klaus wanted his brother back, he needed his brother back just like Elijah needed love, just like Elijah needed Lottie.

"You know when I talk to her" Elijah broke the silence again "I can't just hear her voice or see her, I can feel her,
Smell her. I cannot touch her though, but it's like an addiction, I crave it and I'd do anything" he stopped "any thing. And that includes taking you down once and for all"

Elijah lunged his body at Klaus who quickly dodged, ensuring Elijah fell to the ground with an enormous bump, just enough to inflict brain damage if he were human.

Red. That was the only thing Elijah could see as soon as his hands broke the fall, but his head bounced off the wall, causing it to temporarily bleed. But he couldn't see red due to the blood, the anger that built in his stomach roared like a wooden fire in the middle of winter, one that couldn't die.

And so, Elijah jumped up; baring his fangs at his remaining brother before jumping again.

Klaus couldn't stop Elijah from doing it, after multiple dodges, he came to the realisation that he would have to fight back. Bite him and snap his neck which will allow him to drag the body straight to the cell.

Niklaus stumbled for the courage that he had began to collect, he needed it now more than ever. He then stood silently still when Elijah made another attempt to get him.

Klaus' hand grabbed for Elijah's shoulder as he was in mid air and pushed him straight down to the floor. Dust rose from the old flooring as Elijah made contact. Ouch.

"You fight back now" Elijah observed "It's more fun to take you out kicking and screaming"

He lunged again, but this time Niklaus was not ready, he was too unsure on what to do next. He closed his eyes and readied himself for the impact on the floor, but there was not any, he only heard screams of pain.

When he opened his eyes; Elijah was holding his reddened hand as he stared at it. "The stone" Klaus murmured to himself, this was his chance; he had the stone and he had his venom.

Without any more hesitation, Klaus sped up behind Elijah and tore a humongous chunk out of his neck.

Elijah screamed once more, whatever that witch gave him to strengthen him, obviously didn't protect him from any pain or anymore venom flowing in his veins.

He was in agony, unfathomable agony. Even the prospect of a broken neck sounded like a tropical paradise. And Niklaus, being the bigger person, quickly snapped his neck.

As Elijah's tensed muscles relaxed within Klaus' grip, he dragged his brother behind the bars and just dropped him.

Klaus walked out, closing the door behind him; making sure he had locked it before he returned upstairs.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now