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"Damn it damn it damn it" Elijah pulled his hair back in frustration before punching a gigantic sized hole in the wall with his bare fist.

He wanted his first attempt to be his only attempt, as now he felt like he was losing himself, and slowly but vividly going crazy.

He had made a small hq inside an abandoned apartment above a bar; the last place anybody would look for him.

His hair was disheveled, strands falling down in front of his face which had drops of nervous sweat.

Elijah wiped his forehead. If it wasn't for that stupid witch then Niklaus would be dead by now. And despite how awful it sounded, his mind would not stop replaying what was to come, and it would not stop making it sound so damn enticing.

He rested his head in his hands as he sat down. Elijah's as ready to claw at his face until a brilliant idea popped into his head, or until Niklaus found him and staked himself.

"You can do it" a voice sounded from the chair in the corner of the room "just a quick stab to the chest with the white oak stake and it's done"

Elijah lifted his head up to see the source. Lottie was sat with a sinister grin on her face, obviously a result of the infested potion he drank. But he didn't once think of that, he didn't once think that this was fake.

"And don't feel bad; Niklaus needed to go" she shrugged resting her feet on the table in front of him "there can't be a you and me if there is Niklaus; we can't have a relationship with three people in"

"You know I will always choose you" Elijah agreed, in awe of the figment of his imagination in front of him "I have chosen you, time and time again"

"Yes, you claim to choose me; you claim that you love me, Elijah but why am I still dead and why is Niklaus still alive" her voice turned cold as she spat the disheartening words at Elijah.

Elijah's vision blurred and he couldn't see her anymore, his heart race quickened and he began to panic.

"Show me you love me, Elijah, my sweet love" Lottie reappeared on the other side of the room "bring me back so we can be together for ever and ever"

"I'll bring you back" Elijah agreed "I'd do anything for you, I'd burn for you"

"I know" Lottie agreed "I trust you. Don't make me regret it"

And with that, another blink of Elijah's black eyes, she disappeared again. Elijah jumped from his chair and scanned the room to find her again, but she was gone.

He clenched his fists as the anger and desperation mixed together and rose in his throat. He wanted to scream, he felt so different.


Meanwhile Klaus prowled the streets of the French quarter. He had no idea where to start, but he, too felt the progression of Elijah's insanity grow.

Even when Klaus finds him, what is he going to do? He can't kill him nor fight against him. Elijah was stronger somehow and it killed Klaus to know that he can't do anything.

Snap his neck. That's what he'd do, snap his neck (the rock would help him) and then lock him downstairs in what used to be Marcel's garden.

Klaus did the first thing that came to his mind. It was obvious really, he whipped his phone out and dialled Elijah's number.

After two rings, surprisingly he picked up. The other end of the line was silent; so Klaus dived straight in.

"Elijah where are you?" He asked forwardly "and when are you going to stop acting like an idiot and return to your normal self"

"I'll return to myself when I have Lottie and you are rotting in the ground" Elijah replied coldly

Klaus sighed "Elijah..."

"You do not understand Niklaus; Lottie spoke to me today, she told me that the only way I can prove that I love her is to kill you" Elijah explained "I almost touched her"

"Elijah that was not real!" Klaus exclaimed "stop acting so blindly"

"I'm not blind; I can see clearer than I ever have before" Elijah retaliated

Klaus came to the conclusion that this possessed Elijah was even more stubborn than ever. So to lure him out, Klaus would need to offer him something he couldn't resist. "Then hear me out" he breathed

The line went quiet again, indicating that Elijah was listening intently.

"Meet me in the basement of the compound" he said, knowing that Mia had left and she would be safe "if there was any chance to kill me, that's now"

Elijah inhaled before speaking "I'll be there in five minutes" and he hung up

Klaus sighed in relief, not only is Elijah going to come out in the open but in an area of Klaus' choosing. All he needed to do was snap his neck and then lock him up.

Klaus had an advantage aswell, his bite was poisonous to a specific species. Maybe the venom in Elijah's veins for a long amount of time could kick him in to gear and rid his body of the old poison.

He could hope.


Mia, on the other hand, was sat surrounding by candles in a crypt. She had the dagger that Elijah used on Lottie in one hand. Safe to say, Mia knew an important piece of information that she vowed to keep quiet.

"Come on" she pleaded. It wasn't the best day for her, her power was at an all time low!

Her phone beeped, and she immediately dropped the dagger and looked. She was always on edge.

Elijah is on his way to the compound, stay wherever you are -Nik x

And Mia incorporated her plan into Nik's. Obviously he was going to lock him up so Mia could have a good look at him and see if she could fix it

And all going well, Mia's idea will kick in to gear. In her mind; it was the only hope they had.

Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now