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After the shit went down with Ty, I decided it was time to hit up an old acquaintance of mine. After putting on foundation to cover up the purplish bruise that was forming on my face, I headed out, not touching the car he bought me and choosing to walk instead. It was more than a couple blocks away, but I needed the fresh air to clear out my thoughts and what I was gonna say about this unannounced visit.

Finally approaching the building I was looking for, I pressed the buzzer despite still having a spare key. "Ray. Yellow bitch." I spoke clearly as the door unlocked, nodding as I walked past the guards. "Damn." I mumbled to myself, taking the elevator up as I looked around the place. I haven't been inside this bitch in a minute. I made my way to the door, pounding on it the same way I did before, a loud knock between two soft ones. I waited a moment for the door to open, to find Yams in my face. "Now I know you ain't the bitch we looking for." He laughed, sizing me up and I rolled my eyes. "Cause I'm prolly not. You gon' let a kid in or what?" I sneered as he moved aside, letting me in. "What made your high yellow ass show up now?" He asked, blowing smoke as he led me into the main room. I shrugged, shoving my hands in my pockets. "I need a favor."

Yams dropped me off at the doorway, leaving me to announce myself. I knocked on the wood and the one that looked up happened to be that old acquaintance. "I know that ain't old blondie." He rose an eyebrow and I smirked. "Get them eyes checked, nigga, you might know the difference between black and blonde." I sat down in the chair across from him as he took a sip of the 40. "Fuck you doing here? I thought you, uh, quit?" He asked me, rolling up a laced blunt and placing it in an old mint box. "Never that, boo." I leaned by the table stand and pulled out a blunt from the drawer. "I need a favor." He put his feet up, waiting for me to answer.

"You got any side jobs for Uptown? Near the strip club and shit?" I asked, leaning forward to light up his blunt and mine. "Yeah, but not the type of jobs you used to doing. Why?" He asked and I sighed. "Ty buggin'. And he always near there." I answered and he smirked. "Finally getting them lap dances, huh?" I glared. "Shut up. He always on Hazel's case for being a hoe still and I feel like he fuckin' around with this bitch. Remember Cheyenne? Your ex bitch?" I asked and he silently cursed. "Aight, big ass baby, I'll remember to use code names for your sensitive ass." I rolled my eyes, remembering what went down between him and both girls. "Yeah, I remember. She still on the pole, huh?" He answered and I groaned. "I think she on his too."

He nodded, then kicked his feet off, motioning to the empty space. "You makin' me of all people pay you?" I asked sarcastically, throwing down a couple hundred bills on the table. "Ain't no nigga get special treatment around here but me." He responded, counting them and putting a band over them. I finished smoking and put it out, leaning towards him. "You never got over that shit, did you?" I asked quietly, tilting my head and he leaned back, staring at the ceiling for a while. "Leave it to you to try and bring shit up." He said in a irritated tone and I shrugged, standing up. "Hit me up when you got a job for me to do, okay?" I spoke before heading out.

If he's doing anything, he really ain't getting away with it.

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