Chapter Twenty Two: Officials

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-Chapter I don't know about you but I'm feelin twenty twoooo

After my question, he looked shocked. I felt immediately guilty, after seeing his initial shock, and then hurt expression. Was I supposed to know who he was? He obviously knew exactly who I was.

"I'm...Nate" he said, quietly.

I stared at his face. 

Minutes passed, as I searched my brain, taking in all of his features.

"I'm sorry," I finally broke down, and decided to ask the truth. "Have we met before this?"

I regretted it as soon as I asked it though, as I could see his eyes fill with sadness.

But he jerked his head back, and I could tell he was trying to compose himself. He nodded, and informed me saying, "I am a nurse at this hospital."

"You were in a car accident a few months ago. You went in to a coma, but now you are fine. You just completed a surgery to repair a concussion you recieved during the accident," he quickly explained, trying to soothe me.

"Oh," I said, quietly. "So I guess I've known you before this then?" I questioned.

He nodded his head.

"Do you know who you are?" he asked me, seriously.

I looked around the room, trying not to be rude and roll my eyes. Of course I knew who I was. 

"I'm Charlie..." I said, just to humor him. But he just smiled, and let out a loud sigh, sounding relieved.

"Do you know who Lizzie is?" he asked again.

I nodded in response, causing him to smile even bigger. It was so beautiful when he did that. The name set off a spark in my mind. 

"Lizzie Trescott goes to my school. She was in my biology class. We are lab partners this year," I said, unsure of myself.

"Lizzie is a patient here at the hospital, Charlie."


His eyes became watery, and I panicked, "Nate, wait! I have to tell you something!" 

He looked at me, a glimmer of hope on his face, "What is it?" 

"I'm sorry I made you upset," I said, trying to fix what I broke.

But he just shrugged and replied, "It wasn't your fault."

I smiled, "And I'm sorry you're so gullible and that you just fell for all of that." 

He rolled his eyes before laughing and saying, "Are you serious?" 

I nodded, "You really think I could forget all this?"

He shrugged, "Well you seemed pretty convincing to me!" 

I shrugged, "I guess I should get in to acting then, don't you think?"

He glared at me before shaking his head, "No!" 

I laughed, and began to realize how thirsty I was, "Can you get me a drink of water thhough? I'm parched." 

"After that, you expect me to get you something?"

I laughed some more, "It was worth a try." 

"I can't believe my girlfriend would do that to me!" 

I smiled, "Your girlfriend?" It was the first time he had said that, and I loved the way it sounded coming from him. 

"Yeah," he said, "But after all of that, I'm beginning to rethink some things!" 

I shook my head, "No, don't! I'm sorry," I smiled, as he rolled his eyes before getting up to go retrieve me some water. 

I watched him exit, and then turned on the television, being uncomfortable in the silence. I couldn't stop smiling.  I desperately wanted to take the bandages off, that were tight around my head, but Nate had commanded against it, and I didn't want to be a bother. I laughed at him panicking when I told him I didn't remember him. 

He came back in the room about five minutes later, carrying a small glass, splashing of water. My throat had become severely dry and sore. 

"Thank you," I said, as he placed it in to my hands.

He sat down on the couch, and watched the TV screen with me, giving me dirty looks every once and awhile for what I had done. I responded with a smile, because I knew he would laugh about it with me in a couple of hours. It had been about three and a half hours before I began to feel confused. He had never stayed with me this long without being interupted to work on another patient.

"Don't you have other patients today?" I asked, being honestly curious. 

He shrugged, "Probably, but I just wanted to make sure you're alright." 

"It's okay, Nate. I'm fine. Don't get yourself fired because of me," I joked, knowing that it wasn't exactly possible.

"I don't think that will happen, but I probably should go," he nodded, while getting up to leave. I watched as he left again, admiring him. I was so lucky. 

Then, someone else appeared in the doorway. It was Dr. Reynolds.

"Hey, Charlie. How you feeling?" he asked, coming over to my side, and putting some medicine in one of the bags connected to the IV.

 "I'm alright," I replied, casually.

"Are you tired?"

"Maybe a little bit," I had to admit, the doctors and nurses questioning me all day wore me out just a little.

"I'm putting in a little medicine that will help you sleep," he informed me.

I nodded in thanks as he turned to leave.

I was finally alone, which was nice. I didn't exactly like the twenty questions.

My eyelids were slowly closing, probably from the medicine I was given. I was thankful for that, and let the sleep overcome me.

I was surprised, having the same dream as before.

It started with the drive up the mountain, then meeting everyone up at the cabin, eating and laughing, touring the rooms, watching television together, and lastly, the several interviews.

Interview by interview. I gasped, as I saw Nate.

The dream went on longer this time. I was laying on a hospital bed, and my favorite little boy was next to me. He was showing me something. 

Then I recognized the baseball cards. Hundreds of them, all organized in to a binder. He was flipping through the pages, telling me a joke about Nate.

Then finally, Lizzie came in to the room we were sitting in. She was the same age as Anthony, and as perfect as ever. 

She was wearing a bright orange wig, and resembled something of a pumpkin on Halloween night. She came over and kissed Anthony on the cheek, and they both smiled really happily. 

Nate came in. He checked a few things in the room, relating to the medical stuff, I didn't know anything about.

He sat down next to me, and kissed my forehead, just like Lizzie and Anthony. I don't think I would ever stop smiling. 


*Edited 2013

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