2015 Accomplishments/Fails Tag

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I got tagged by PanickingWithRoses

1) I got a job and finally could get paid ! And I still have the job (which I despise but money so) (February)

2) I performed a solo concerto with my orchestra (I play upright bass)

3) Got accepted to the three colleges I applied to, including my top choice

4) I graduated from high school thankfully cause I swear I was gonna be stuck there forever (June)

5) after graduation I lost all my friends and only talk to 2 on a regular basis but it's okay cause they weren't that great of friends or even that close lol

6) Procrastinated so badly that I almost wasn't able to go to college cause I hadn't payed and filled out all the papers (my procrastination is so bad you guys don't even know)

7) Started college in New Hampshire alway from home (September)

8) Made some new friends in college

9) Finished like 2 books (I literally can not think of anything)

10) Got picked to be share this Muke account which I was really happy to get and surprised lol (if you want some really good Muke one shots or fics go to themukelibrary )

11) Literally almost had a mental breakdown at school because I was stressed and wanted to drop out (I didn't don't worry)

12) Realized I hated my major (Psychology) and that it made me miserable so I changed it to English and am so ready to further that

13) Made and met some really great people on here and some of them I would consider good friends (graceluv5SOS PanickingWithRoses 5soscake_love )

14) I saw 5sos for the third time (2 with 1D and 1 by themselves)

15) I finally finished my three book serious which honestly was long over do and needed to stop, wish I would've stopped it at the second but eh it's all good

16) I turned 19 which was so exiting (just kidding, after you turn 13 it stops getting exciting)

17) I talked with this guy for a bit but then he stopped talking to me completely and dropped off the face of the earth idk

18)  I don't know what else to say lol

19) I survived my first semester of college  (barely but I did)

20) Ummmm I bought a pair of doc martens which I love and am obsessed with

That was harder than I thought

But anyway I tag lukehoodings paperxvalentines upinthe_hoodings and graceluv5SOS

Also I finished the last chapter to this but like I don't wanna update and make the final official lol

Love you

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