Last Days In Hell

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A year later

'can you believe we are finally in our senior year? Oh my god i can not wait to get out of this hell hole.' i said as Calum, Melanie, Damian, Michael and i took a seat at our lunch table for one the last times ever.

'i can and I could not be any more happy, I fucking hated this place.' Melanie said in an exasperating tone.

'me too, just three more days and we are free.' Damian said as he we all began to eat our lunches.

'do you guys know what you want to do once you get out of here?' Michael asked and honestly i never really thought about it before.

'i know i just hope to play pro football (not soccer lol).' Damian said.

'Something with art.' Michael said.

'fashion, duh.' Melanie said making us all chuckle.

'i never really thought about it but maybe English or something.' i said with a shrug.

'i don't care, as long as i'm with you.' Calum said as he kissed me on the cheek making me blush.

'oh you cheese ball.' i said shoving him playfully with a huge smile on my face.

'get a room!' Melanie yelled throwing a fry at us.

'well we will later tonight so.' i said throwing a fry back at her.

'good, then you can come and tell me everything about it later.' she said with a smug look and i looked at her with a face to say shut up.

'wait, do you tell her everything we do?' Calum asked looking at me.

'of course not.' i said looking at him with a smile and kissed his cheek.

'yes you do why are you lying?' Melanie said as she sipped her coffee milk.

'okay maybe i told her some of the things we've done but you can't blame me she's my best friend.' i said throwing my hands up in defense but i could tell he was getting upset and mad.

'what did you tell her?' he asked visibly mad.

'just nothing relax okay, plus i'm not going to say it now in front of everyone.' i said looking at him but he looked away and got up storming out of the cafe. 'Calum come on.' i said as i got up and followed after him.

'just leave me alone.' he said as i stopped him in the middle of the hallway.

'come on babe, it wasn't anything bad i'm sorry i won't tell her anything else.' i said pulling him towards me but he just looked at me weirdly and then pushed me up against the lockers making a loud noise but thankfully no one was here.

'i'll give you something to tell her don't you worry babe.' he said as he pinned my hands above my head and kissed my neck biting it slightly.

'w-what does that mean?' i asked nervously.

'oh you'll find out.' he said taking my bottom lip between his teeth letting ti slide out and come back to me sending shivers through my whole body. he let go of my hands and walked away leaving me scared and turned on.

the rest of the day Calum was nowhere to be seen and that kind of scared me but made the whole experience that much more exciting. i was texting him but he wasn't answering me, what could he possibly be doing? the whole day i was on edge just thinking of what he could do and would do to me and it was making me nervous. Melanie kept asking me what was wrong with me but i would just ignore her or just lie and say nothing was wrong which really there is nothing wrong but i was just anxious the whole day.

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