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lowercase intended  


"mom have you seen my green skirt!?" i yelled from upstairs as i tore my room apart looking for one of my favorite skirts. 

"i think it's in your basket in your closet," my mom yelled back and I went in my closet and there it was lying on top of my other skirts and dresses, i can always count on her.

so yes, I like to wear dresses and skirts and make up although I am a guy but I really don't care. I'm not trans or anything. i don't have anything against people who are it's just that i identify as a guy. a guy with a good ass fashion sense i like to say. anyway I put on my black low rise shirt and my green skirt with my belt and flats and headed downstairs ready to go to hell which is also known as high school. 

"you look beautiful," was the first words my mom said to me as i walked into the kitchen. 

"thanks, I love this skirt,"  i twirled around and grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet. 

it was my first day of junior year and I was going as the real me, the me that I have always been but didn't want to show. but now I don't care because what is the point of hiding myself? With the help and support of my friends, Michael, Harry, Louis, and Melanie I am able to confidently and comfortably go to school.

"okay well I gotta go," I said walking out after giving my mom a kiss and headed into Michael's car where Melanie was already.

'oh my God that is the cutest skirt ever.' Mel said as I got in the back seat.

'thanks.' I said with a smile and Michael just drove off.

to say that I wasn't nervous would have been a huge lie cause I'm terrified but I think I'll be okay.

'I know what you're thinking Luke but you'll be okay, you have all of us.' Michael said looking at me as he parked in the schools parking lot.

'I know and thank you guys so much.' I said with a smile and we got out and met Harry and Louis, who had finally come out together at the end of last even though literally everyone knew they were so in love.

we all walked into the school building and you could hear the gasps and the whispers and I just held my head high and strutted on past them and to my class.


So this is my new story and thanks to a certain someone I have the idea for it so hope you enjoy and yes this is fem!Luke, I'm gonna put up Luke's outfits each chapter cause I found some cute ass ones cX

Love you

Dollhouse || CakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon