Black Stockings Represent My Heart

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to say that i was heartbroken and upset after the break up would be an understatement. i still don't know what i did for him to break up with me and i've been lying in bed crying trying to figure it out. i don't want to go to school cause then i will see him and i can't see him without crying my eyes.

'hey Luke how you feeling?' Melanie asks as she comes in my room for the hundredth time sine yesterday.

'fucking fantastic.' i say as i sit up and my loosely fitted sweater falls over my shoulder.

'really Luke, i'm just looking after you.' she says as she sits beside me.

'i know but if fucking hurts okay? he just breaks up with me out of nowhere and doesn't give me any explanation i'm so mad and upset and sad!' i said as i put my head in her lap.

'i know Luke, i know and i am so sorry but you can't just be moping around you need to sow him what he is missing and that you are the best ass he has and will ever get in his life.' she said making me chuckle.

'you're such an idiot.' i said with a smile.

'true. now let's go out and do something, go shopping or stuff our faces, whichever comes first.' she said as she got up and after getting dressed we headed out and headed to the mall.

'come on just do it, you would looks so good with it.' she tried to reason with me as we stood in front of a piercing place.

'i don't know Mel.' i said weary.

'just think, Calum will see you and instantly want you back cause you are so fucking cute and hot he couldn't resist your ass.' she said and i thought i it over and just said fuck it and went in.

after deciding what i wanted i sat in the seat and waited for the man to come at my face with a needle. soon enough he came and i became nervous but i just closed my eyes and exhaled as he stuck the needle in my face. he was done within a few seconds and he gave me a mirror to look at it.

'you look great.' Mel said as i stared back at myself and my new lip piercing.

'you really think so?' i ask unconvinced.

'yes, and when Calum sees you he will be beginning you to suck him off with it and come crawling back to you.' she said as if it was the most obvious answer.


the next day i had to unfortunately go to school and i was not in the mood to dress up or try to dress up so i just wore all black everything, kind of like my heart at the moment, black skirt and and sweater and black stocking with my black vans.

it kind of made me look edgy and hot and my new lip piercing was doing all kinds of good. my thoughts were interrupted by a car horn from outside and i grabbed my bag and walked outside to Micael's car and he drove off to school.

'so, i see we are going with the whole black theme today.' Melanie said as she walked up to me at my locker.

'yeah well since that's how i feel on the inside might as well show it on the outside.' i said with a shrug.

'well your mouth looks amazing and look, here comes Calum.' she said and i turned around and saw him walking with his team and we locked eyes for a moment. i don't know what he is thinking but i swore he licked his lips as he looked at me but then went back to his friends.

'he was so checking you out.' Mel said with smile.

'i'm sure he was, and i don't care.' i lied, i care a lot but there was nothing i can do.

'see you later.' i said as i closed my locker and headed to class.

so the day has been going impossibly slow and no matter what class i'm in i can't escape the stairs and whispers as everyone looks at me like the one Calum dated and dumped cause according to the school he was "just experimenting."

it feels so amazing to be know as the experiment.

i decided that i didn't want to listen to this anymore so i got up and left and headed to lord knows where.

i walked into the bathroom and washed my hands for no real reason and i heard the door open and someone walked in and as i looked up i saw them through the mirror and froze.

'hey Luke.' Calum said as i turned around.

'hi.' i said as i tried to ignore him and walk past him but he grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the wall.

'i've missed you.' he said.

'i'm sure you have.' i said with an eye roll.

'i have, especially that tight ass of yours.' he said as he put his hand under my skirt and grabbed my ass making me moan.

'you're so fucking hot with the lip ring, i wonder what it would feel like around my cock.' he said sending shivers up my spine.

'well, i guess you'll never know since you broke up with me.' i said as i pushed him off me and walked out of the bathroom annoyed, frustrated, and turned on.

god i hate him!

i sat in my last class of the day and and tried to forget about him and tried to calm myself down

as i was sitting in my desk i overheard some girls talking about Calum.

'didn't you hear? Calum's dating that new girl after breaking up with that Luke freak.' some blonde said.

'yeah, guess he wanted a real girl.' the friend said and they started laughing.

dating a girl?

he has a girlfriend?

I got up and stormed out of the room and ran outside and away from the school. I texted Melanie and told her to meet me at my house as I ran from the school as the tears ran down my face.


So they're done (for now) and stupid Calum all thinking he's straight

Love you

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