December 31st.

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Thursday, 31st of December, 2015.

Day 365 of 365.

Dear people,

It has been one year since I posted this story, and started writing in it. I don't know where to start, really. But I think it's safe to say that this year was beautiful. Though, I've been through a lot of stuff, be it the things people know or the things I kept to myself — I've been through some things. I've been a disappointment to myself and to others. I left school and started college and that kind of a big change for me, I guess. /things kind of changed/ But there is no denying that I had some great times this year, too. I made a lot of memories. I met new, beautiful people. I cried, but I also laughed. I'm still recovering from some things, but I now know that everything happens for a reason. I am convinced of it. Whatever happens to you, is for the best. You may not realize it now, but later, you will see it.

So, I know I missed a lot of days of this year, but this has been my journey this year. Or some glimpses of it that you got to see. And I am so grateful to God that I am still here, writing this. I am so grateful for everything that happened this year. And I hope you are, too. I hope you learnt something this year.

I don't know what to say, but I really, truly hope you can all find happiness this next year. I hope you accept your flaws, and if not, I hope you have the strength to change yourself for the better. I hope you have the courage to be brave and adventurous and try new things. I hope you can achieve your dreams, even if they seem so far — I hope you have the will and motivation to chase them until you have them. I hope you find love, and peace within yourself. I hope you become content with what you have. I hope that you have faith that whatever happens to you, it is for the best. God only does the best for us. I hope you meet new people and I hope you laugh and cry and run and do the things that make you happy. I hope you realize how much beauty you have in yourself.

I hope, you do not wait for a certain time like the New Year to do something, or change. Time is passing by, and you do not know what happens the next day, or even the next minute or second. So, do not waste time. Get closer to God and pray. Be kind. Love the people around you and show them you love them. Text them first. Call them suddenly to tell them anything random and make them smile. Do good things. Be proud of yourself. Make it count.

I hope this somehow amused you.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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