June 18th.

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Thursday, 18th of June, 2015.

Today is the first day of Ramadan. And as this blessed beautiful month comes, you can feel the peace and serenity all around you. You can see it on people's faces. You can feel it in the air. But as it comes, people are being kind and nice and forgivable. And I wonder, why can't people be like this all year? Why do people wait for a special time of the year like Ramadan or New Year's Eve to be kind? Why can't we always spread love and joy?

Indeed, in Ramadan, us Muslims should do more good and come closer to Allah. But please, do it all year. Be close to God all year. Pray. Read Quran. Host family gatherings. Call a relative you haven't called in ages. Text an old friend. Smile at strangers. Forgive people and ask for their forgiveness. Hug your father. Kiss your mother. Tell your siblings you love them even if they annoy you. Tell your partner you appreciate them. Do good things. Join charity. Try new things. Be adventerous. Be courageous. Grieve if you want to, and laugh if you like it. Be kind. Treat people like you want them to treat you.

Do not sit around waiting for a time to come to do something, get up, and do it now. You do not know what the next second brings. So please, do not waste your life waiting for something. Instead, do something. Something great will come out of it, and the things you feel will be amazing. The pride, the happiness, the memories- it will be worth it.

On another note: Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims everywhere around the World. May Allah reward you and guide you.

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